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Barbati Ch. Introduction // Writen Monuments of the Orient. 2(8), 2018. P. 3—10.

Barbati Ch. On the Numbering of Quires in the Christian Sogdian and Syriac Manuscript Fragments in the Turfan Collection (Berlin) and the Krotkov Collection (St. Petersburg) // Written Monuments of the Orient, 2(8) 2018. P. 92—133.

Bazilenko I.V. Essays on History of Russian-Iranian Relations (end of XVI - early XX cc) [Очерки истории российско-иранских отношений (конец XVI — начало XX вв.)]. St. Petersburg, Argus SPb, 2017. 432 p. ISBN 978-5-9909650-5-8

Beijing During the Qing Dynasty: Pictures of Folklife (min-su hua) [Цинский Пекин. Картины народной жизни (миньсухуа)]. Introduction, translation from Chinese, notes by I.F.Popova. St Petersburg, Slaviya Publishers 2009. 248 p.

Bekkin R. The Islamic Studies Department of Petrograd State University (One Little Known Page of A.Ė.Schmidt's Biography) // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 20. No. 1. June 2014. P. 59—67.

Benická J. Chan Buddhism and Huayan: Yongjue Yuanxian (1578-1657) on the Five Positions” (wu wei) Theory of Dongshan Liangjie // Written Momuments of the Orient [Письменные памятники Востока], 2(9), 2008. P. 243-255.

Benkato A. Sogdian letter fragments in the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, St. Petersburg // Written Monuments of the Orient. 1(5), 2017. P. 26—39.

[Bibliotheca Buddhica I:] Çikshāsamuccaya. A compendium of Buddhistic teaching compiled by Çāntideva chiefly from earlier Mahāyāna-sūtras. Edited by Cecil Bendall. St.-Pétersbourg, 1897 (I), 1898 (II), 1901 (III), 1902 (IV).

[Bibliotheca Buddhica X:] Saddharmapuṇḍarīka. Edited by H. Kern and Bunyiu Nanjio. With 1 plate. St.-Pétersbourg, 1908 (I), 1909 (II), 1909 (III), 1910 (IV), 1912 (V).

[Bibliotheca Buddhica XI:] Nyāyabindutīkāppaņī. The Commentary on Nyāyabindutīkā, the Treatise by Dharmottara Ed. of the Sanskrit text, with an Introduction and Notes by Th. Stcherbatsky [Nyāyabinduṭīkāṭippaṇī. Толкование на сочинение Дармоттары Nyāyabinduṭīkā / Санскритский текст с примечаниями изд. Ф. И. Щербатской]. St Petersburg, Typography of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1909. IV, 43, 5 p.

[Bibliotheca Buddhica XII:] Ṭišastvustik: ein in Türkischer Sprache bearbeitetes Buddhistisches Sūtra. I. Transcription und Übersetzung von W. Radloff. II. Bemerkungen zu den Brāhmīglossen des Tišastvustik-Manuscripts (Mus. As. Kr. VII) von Baron A. von Staël-Holstein. St.-Pétersbourg, 1910. VIII, 143 p.

[Bibliotheca Buddhica XIII:] Mahāvyutpatti. The Second Edition, with an index. Edited by I. P. Minayeff, prepared by N. D. Mironov [Mahāvyutpatti. Второе издание, с указателем / Издал И.П. Минаев, приготовил к печати Н.Д. Миронов]. St Petersburg, Typography of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1911. XII, 272 p.

[Bibliotheca Buddhica XIV:] Kuan-ši-im Pusar. Еine türkische Übersetzung des XXV. Kapitels der chinesischen Ausgabe des Saddharmapuṇḍarīka / Herausgegeben und übersetzt von W. Radloff. St.-Pétersbourg, 1911. VIII, 119 p.

[Bibliotheca Buddhica XV:] Kien-ch‘ui-fan-tsan (Gaṇḍistotragāthā), a Buddhist hymn by Açvаghоṣa found in the Chinese transcription, Ts‘ih-fuh-tsan-pai-k‘ie-t‘o (Saptajinastava) and Fuh-shwoh-wăn-shu-shi-li-yih-poh-pah-ming-fan-tsan (Āryamañjuçrīnāmāṣṭaçataka). Edited and explained with use of the Tibetan translation by Baron A. von Stäel-Holstein [Kien-ch‘ui-fan-tsan (Gaṇḍistotragāthā), сохранившийся в китайской транскрипции санскритский гимн Açvаghоṣʼи, Ts‘ih-fuh-tsan-pai-k‘ie-t‘o (Saptajinastava) и Fuh-shwoh-wăn-shu-shi-li-yih-poh-pah-ming-fan-tsan (Āryamañjuçrīnāmāṣṭaçataka). Издал и при помощи тибетского перевода объяснил барон А. фон-Сталь-Гольстейн (Baron A. von Stäel-Holstein)]. St Petersburg, Typography of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1913. XXIX, 189, 2 p.

[Bibliotheca Buddhica XVI:] Buddhapālita. Mūlamadhyamakavṛtti. Tibetische Übersetzung / Herausgegeben von Max Walleser. St.-Petersburg, 1913 (I), 1914 (II). 192 p.

[Bibliotheca Buddhica XVII:] Suvarṇaprabhāsa (The Sūtra of Golden Light). The text of Uigur Version. Edited by F. W. Radloff and S. E. Malov [Suvarṇaprabhāsa. (Сутра Золотого Блеска). Текст уйгурской редакции / Издали В. В. Радлов и С. Е. Малов]. St Petersburg, Typography of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1913 (I—II), 1914 (III—IV), 1915 (V—VI); Petrograd, 1917 (VII—VIII). XV, 723 с.

[Bibliotheca Buddhica XVIII:] བཀའ་བབས་བདུན་ལྡནTāranātha’s Edelsteinmine, das Buch von den Vermittlern der Sieben Inspirationen / Aus dem Tibetischen übersetzt von Albert Grünwedel. Petrograd, 1914. 212 p.

[Bibliotheca Buddhica XIX:] The Tibetan Translation of the treatises Samtānāntarasiddhi by Dharmakīrti and Samtānāntarasiddhitīkā by Vinītadeva along with the Tibetan Commentary Written by Ngag dbang bstan dar lha rams pa. Ed. by Th. Stcherbatsky, with an Introduction. [Тибетский перевод сочинений Saṃtānāntarasiddhi Dharmakīrti и Saṃtānāntarasiddhiṭīkā Vinītadeva вместе с тибетским толкованием, составленным Агваном Дандар-Лхарамбой издал Ф. И. Щербатской]. Petrograd 1916, XVII, 129 p.

[Bibliotheca Buddhica II:] Rāṣṭrapālaparipṛcchā sūtra du Mahāyāna publiè par L. Finot. St.-Pétersbourg, 1901.

[Bibliotheca Buddhica XX:] The Tibetan Translation of Abhidharmakoçakārikāh and Abhidharmakoçabhāşyam, the Treatises by Vasubandhu. Ed. by Th. Stcherbatsky [Тибетский перевод Abhidharmakoçakārikāḥ и Abhidharmakoçabhāṣyam сочинений Vasubandhu. Издал Ф. И. Щербатской]. Petrograd, 1917. V, 1–96 p. (I); Leningrad: the USSR Academy of Sciences Press, 1930. 97–192 p. (II).

[Bibliotheca Buddhica XXI. Pt. 1:] Sphutārthā Abhidharmakoçavyākhyā, the work of Yaçomitra. First Koçasthāna. Pt. I / Ed. by S. Levi and Th. Stcherbatsky. Petrograd 1918, VII, 96 p.

[Bibliotheca Buddhica XXI. Pt. 2:] Sphutārthā Abhidharmakoçavyākhyā, the work of Yaçomitra, Second Koçasthāna. Pt. II / Ed. by prof. U. Wogihara and prof. Th. Stcherbatsky and carried through the press by E. E. Obermiller. Leningrad, Academy of Sciences of USSR, 1931, 96 p.

[Bibliotheca Buddhica XXII:] The Statue of Maitreya in the Golden Temple of Lavran, by Bazar Baradiyn [Статуя Майтреи в золотом храме в Лавране Бадзара Барадийна]. Leningrad 1924. 11, 98 p.

[Bibliotheca Buddhica XXIII:] Abhisamayālankāra-Prajñāparāmitā-Upadeša-Šāstra. The work of bodhisattva Maitreya / Edited, explained and translated by Th. Stcherbatsky and E. Obermiller. Fasciculus 1: Introduction, Sanscrit text and Tibetan translation. Leningrad, USSR Acaemy of sciences, 1929, XII, 112 p.

[Bibliotheca Buddhica XXIV:] Indices Verborum Sanscrit-Tibetan and Tibetan-Sanscrit to the Nyāyabindu of Dharmakīrti and the Nyāyabinduṭikā of Dharmottara / Compiled by E. Obermiller with a preface by Th. Stcherbatsky; from the edition of the Sanscrit and Tibetan texts by Th. Stcherbatsky. I. Sanscrit-Tibetan Index. Leningrad, USSR Academy of Sciences, 1927.

[Bibliotheca Buddhica XXV:] Indices verborum Sanscrit-Tibetan and Tibetan-Indices Verborum Sanscrit-Tibetan and Tibetan-Sanscrit to the Nyāyabindu of Dharmakīrti and the Nyāyabinduṭikā of Dharmottara / Compiled by E. Obermiller with a preface by Th. Stcherbatsky; from the edition of the Sanscrit and Tibetan texts by Th. Stcherbatsky. II. Tibetan-Sanskrit Index. Leningrad, USSR Academy of Sciences, 1928. 145 p.

[Bibliotheca Buddhica XXVI:] Stcherbatsky Th. Buddhist logic. In two vols. Vol. 1. Leningrad: the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1932. XII, 560 p.; Vol. 2, containing a translation of the short treatise of logic by Dharmakirti, and of its commentary by Dharmottara, with notes appendices and indices. Leningrad: the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1930. VI, 469 p.

[Bibliotheca Buddhica XXVII:] Suvarṇaprabhāsa (Das Goldglanz-Sūtra). Aus dem uigurischen ins deutsche übersetzt von Dr. W. Radloff. Nach dem Tode des Übersetzers mit elnleitung yon S. Malov herausgegeben. I—III. Leningrad: the USSR Academy of Sciences Press, 1930. II, 256 p. (The volume was never completed).

[Bibliotheca Buddhica XXVIII:] Bodhicaryāvatāra. Çāntideva. The Mongolian Translation by Čhos-kyi ḥod-zer. I. Text. Edited by B. Ya. Vladimirtsov [Bodhicaryāvatāra. Çāntideva. Монгольский перевод Čhos-kyi ḥod-zer’a. I. текст / издал Б. Я. Владимирцов]. Leningrad: the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1930. VI, 184 p.

[Bibliotheca Buddhica XXIX:] Prajñā pāramitā-ratna-guṇa-saṃcaya-gāthā. Sanscrit and Tibetan text / Edited by E. Obermlller. Moscow; Leningrad: the USSR Academy of Sciences Press, 1937. 125 p.

[Bibliotheca Buddhica III:] Avadānaçataka. A Century of Edifying Tales belonging to the Hīnayāna. Vol. 1. Edited by J.S. Speyer. St.-Pétersbourg, 1902 (I), 1903 (II), 1904 (III), 1906 (IV).

[Bibliotheca Buddhica III:] Avadānaçataka. A Century of Edifying Tales belonging to the Hīnayāna. Vol. 2. Edited by J.S. Speyer. St.-Pétersbourg, 1906 (I), 1907 (II), 1909 (III—IV).

[Bibliotheca Buddhica XXX:] Madhyānta-Vibhanga. Discourse on discrimination between middle and extremes, ascribed to Bodhisattva Maitreya and commented by Vasubandhu and Sthiramati. Translated from Sanskrit by Th. Stcherbatsky. Moscow; Leningrad: the USSR Academy of Sciences Press, 1936. VIII, 106, 058 p.

[Bibliotheca Buddhica IV:] Mūlamādhyamakakārikās (Mādhyamikasūtras) de Nāgārjuna avec la Prasannapadā Commentaire de Candrakīrti, publié par L. de la Vallée Poussin. St.-Pétersbourg, 1903 (I), 1904 (II), 1906 (III), 1907 (IV, V), 1910 (VI), 1913 (VII).

[Bibliotheca Buddhica V:] The Collection of Representations of 300 Burkhans. According to the Album from the Asiatic Museum. Edited with notes by S. F. Oldenbourg. Part 1: drawings and the index [Сборник изображений 300 бурханов. По альбому Азиатского Музея с примечаниями издал С. Ф. Ольденбург. Часть первая. Рисунки и указатель]. St. Petersburg: Typography of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1903.

[Bibliotheca Buddhica VI:] The Survey of the E. E. Ukhtomsky Collection of Objects of the Lamaist Cult. Compiled by Prof. A. Grünwedel. Part 1. The text. Part 2. The Plates [Обзор собрания предметов ламайского культа кн. Э. Э. Ухтомского составил Проф. А. Грюнведель. Часть первая. Текст. Часть вторая. Рисунки]. St. Petersburg: Typography of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1905.

[Bibliotheca Buddhica VII:] Nyāyabindu, the Buddhist Manual of Logic, the Treatise by Dharmakīrti and its Commentary, Nyāyabinduṭīkā, the Treatise by Dharmottara. Ed. of the Sanskrit text, with Introduction and Notes by Th. Stcherbatsky [Nyāyabindu – Буддийский учебник логики. Сочинение Дармакирти и толкование на него. Nyāyabinduṭīkā. Сочинение Дармоттары / Санскритский текст издал с введ. и примеч. Ф.И.Щербатской]. Fasc. 1. Petrograd 1918.

[Bibliotheca Buddhica VIII:] Nyāyabindu, the Buddhist Manual of Logic, the Treatise by Dharmakīrti and its Commentary, Nyāyabinduṭīkā, the Treatise by Dharmottara. Ed. of the Tibetan translation of the Sanskrit text, with Introduction and Notes by Th. Stcherbatsky [Nyāyabindu. Буддийский учебник логики, сочинение Дармакирти и толкование на него. Nyāyabinduṭīkā, сочинение Дармоттары / Тибетский перевод санскритского текста издал с введ. и примеч. Ф.И.Щербатской]. Fasc. 1. St. Petersburg: Typography of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1904, IV, 222 p.

[Bibliotheca Buddhica IX:] Madhyamakāvatāra par Candrakīrti. Traduction tibétain publié par L. de la Vallée Poussin. St.-Pétersbourg, 1907 (I), 1908 (II), 1909 (III), 1912 (IV—V).

Bobrov L.A., Zaytsev V.P., Orlenko S.P., Salnikov A.V. The Late Jurchen (Early Manchu) Helmet of the Second Half of the 1610s to the Mid-1630s from the Collection of the Armoury Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin // Bylye Gody (Foretime): Russian Historical Journal. 2017. Vol. 46, Is. 4. P. 1140—1173.

Bogdanov I.V. History and Culture of Ancient Egypt in the Mirror of Inscriptions: Monuments and Their Fates. — Saint Petersburg: Izdatel’stvo RHGA, 2024. — 332 p. ISBN 978-5-907855-39-7

Bogdanov K. Ritual Funeral Text Tang 665 from the Tangut Collection of IOM, RAS // Written Monuments of the Orient, 2. Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura, 2015. P. 48-60.

Bogoslovsky E. S. New Sources for the History of Egypt in the 15th–10th Centuries BC [Новые источники по истории Египта XV–X вв. до н. э.] / Edited by Ivan V. Bogdanov. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, 2019. 260 p., ill. («Studia Aegyptia»).

Bolshakov O.G. Miniatures of the St. Petersburg Manuscript of the ‘Maqamat’ of al-Hariri. Edited by A.O.Bolshakov. St. Petersburg: ‘Slavia’, 2018.256 pp., 177 illustrations. ISBN 978-5-9501-0274-5

Bolshakov O. The St. Petersburg Manuscript of the “Maqāmāt” by al-Harīrī and Its Place in the History of Arab Painting // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 3, No 4, December 1997. P. 59-66.

The Book of Deeds of Ardašīr, Son of Papak [Книга деяний Ардашира сына Папака]. Transcription of the text, translation from Middle Persian, Introduction, Notes and Glossary by O.M.Chunakova. Moscow, Nauka GRVL Publishers 1987. 163 p. (Pamyatniki pismennosti Vostoka, LXXVIII).

Brush and Qalam. 200 Years of the collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts. Exhibition Catalogue. Ed. by I. F. Popova, A. D. Pritula, N. V. Yampolskaya. Saint Petersburg: The State Hermitage Publishers, 2018.

Bsod-nams Rtse-mo. The Door Leading Into the Teaching [Соднам-Цзэмо. Дверь, ведущая в учение. Факсимиле текста]. Translated from Tibetan, with Foreword and Notes by Dr R.Krapivina. St Petersburg 1994. 224 p.

Buddhist Manuscripts from Central Asia. The St. Petersburg Sanskrit Fragments. Volume I / Editors-in-chief: S.Karashima and M.I.Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya. Foreword by I.F.Popova. Tokyo, 2015.

The Buddhist Traditions of Russia: Commemorating the 250th Anniversary of the Lineage of the Pandita Khambo Lamas [Учение Будды в России: 250 лет институту Пандито Хамбо-лам]. Editorial Board: Prof. Dr. I. F. Popova (chief editor); B. B. Badmaev; Prof. Dr. V. L. Uspensky; Dr. A. V. Zorin (executive editor); A. A. Sizova (secretary). St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Centre for Oriental Studies Publishers, 2015. 186 р.

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