Bogoslovsky E. S. New Sources for the History of Egypt in the 15th–10th Centuries BC [Новые источники по истории Египта XV–X вв. до н. э.] / Edited by Ivan V. Bogdanov. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, 2019. 260 p., ill. («Studia Aegyptia»).
The book offers the reader a new genre of historical research, a prosopographical publication, that makes it possible to immediately introduce published sources into the general context of an era and to show the place of each new source among others. This genre requires a large number of indexes and comments, including a philological analysis of published texts. Published sources cover all historical stages of the Egyptian empire at the height of its power with a special focus on the reign of Ramesses II and his successors.