The Book of Deeds of Ardašīr, Son of Papak [Книга деяний Ардашира сына Папака]. Transcription of the text, translation from Middle Persian, Introduction, Notes and Glossary by O.M.Chunakova. Moscow, Nauka GRVL Publishers 1987. 163 p. (Pamyatniki pismennosti Vostoka, LXXVIII).
The Book of Deeds of Ardašīr, Son of Papak (Kārnāmag ī Arsašīr ī Pābagān) is the most popular masterpiece of Middle Persian (Pahlavi) literature. It reflects an important epoch (from the 3rd to 7th centuries CE) in Iranian history, marked by the development of Iran’s statehood and culture, the time when its political and socio-economic institutions took their final shape, the unified Zoroastrian clerical organization was established, and the ideological and cultural patterns formalized, the latter persistently exerting influence on various aspects of Iran’s life and very prominent in the development of early medieval Arabic culture. To-date, however, this period is studied insufficiently. The recreation of the genuine history of Iran, the major region of the East both politically and culturally, requires all-round critical study of sources… PDF-files Аннотация, Содержание, Введение, Summary
Keywords Kārnāmag ī Arsašīr ī Pābagān Pahlavi literature Sasanian Iran
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