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Nadirov I.I. Hatra: the Arabs between Parthia and Rome [Хатра. Арабы между Парфией и Римом]. St Petersburg: Gumanitarnaya Akademiya Publishers 2009. 480 pp.: ill. (Studia classica).
Natalia V. Yampolskaya. An Oirat Fragment of the Śatasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā Sutra in the Collection of IOM, RAS // Pis'mennye pamyatniki Vostoka. 2023. Volume 20. No. 2 (issue 53). P. 26–35.
Natalia V. Yampolskaya. On the Formation of the Oirat Versions of one Sang Dedicated to the White Old Man // Mongolica XXVI, 2023, No. 2. P. 76–91.
al-Nawbakhti, al-Hasan b. Musa. The Shi'ite Sects. Annotated translation from Arabic, Study and Notes by S.M.Prozorov. Moscow, 1973 [ан-Наубахти, ал-Хасан ибн Муса. Шиитские секты. Перевод с арабского, исследование и комментарий С.М.Прозорова. ППВ, XLIII. М., 1973.]
Neuwirth A. Scripture, Poetry and the Making of Community. Reading the Qur'an as a Literary Text. Oxford University Press in association with the Institute of Ismaili Studies, London, 2014.
Neveleva S.L. Aspects of Poetics of the Ancient Indian Epos. The Epithet and Simile [Вопросы поэтики древнеиндийского эпоса. Эпитет и сравнение], ed. by E.Tyomkin. М., 1979.
Neveleva S. Mahabharata. A Study of the Early Indian Epos / Ed. by Dr G.A.Zograph. М.: «Наука», 1991. 228 p.
Neveleva S.L. Mythology of the Ancient Indian Epos. The Pantheon [Мифология древнеиндийского эпоса. Пантеон]. М., 1975. 118 p.
Neveljeva S.N. Staroindijska mitologija. Beograd: “Dečja knjiga”, 1991.
Wang Peipei. New Translations of Some Tangut Words // Written Monuments of the Orient. 2023. Vol. 9, Supplement (19). P. 124–135.
The Newly-Assembled Precious Dual Maxims: fascimile edition [Вновь собранные драгоценные парные изречения: факсимиле ксилографа]. Edited, translated by Ye.I.Kychanov with the introduction and notes. Moscow 1974. 224 p. (Pamyatniki pismennosti Vostoka. Vol. 40.)
Nie Hongyin. A Unique Tangut Primary Reader "Brief Collection by Taizong" kept in the IOM RAS // Written Monuments of the Orient. No. 1(11), 2020. P. 3—38.
Nie Hongyin. Chinese Stories of Filial Piety in Tangut Literature // Pis'mennye pamiatniki Vostoka. Vol. 18, no. 3 (46), 2021, pp. 95–117.
Nie Hongyin. Family Models: The Model of the Tangut Work Newly Collected Biographies of Affection and Filial Piety // Written Momuments of the Orient [Письменные памятники Востока], 2(9), 2008. P. 237—242.
Nie Hongyin. [Review:] “Novye zakony” tangutskogo gosudarstva (pervaia chetvert’ XIII veka). Izdanie teksta i perevod s tangutskogo, vvedenie i kommentarij E.I. Kychanova [“New Laws” of the Tangut State (the first half of the 13th century). Publication of the text and translation from the Tangut language, introduction and commentary by E.I. Kychanov] // Written Monuments of the Orient. 1, 2015. P. 116–118.
Nikitina M.I. Ancient Korean poetry in connection with ritual and myth [Древняя корейская поэзия в связи с ритуалом и мифом]. Moscow: Nauka Publishers 1982. 328 pp.
Nikitina M.I. The sijo genre in Korean poetry from the 16th to the 19th century [Корейская поэзия XVI-XIX вв. в жанре сиджо]. St Petersburg, Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie Publishers, 1994. 308 pp.
Nikitina M. The St. Petersburg Collection of Drawings by Korean Artist Kim Jungyn (Kisan) // Manuscripta Orientalia. International Journal for Oriental Manuscript Research. Vol. 2, No 3, September 1996. P. 54-68.
Zaytsev V., Tai Chung-pui. Nikolai Nevsky, Ishihama Juntarō, and the Lost “Extended Manual” of Tangut Characters with Tibetan Phonetic Glosses // Written Monuments of the Orient. 2023. Vol. 9, Supplement (19). P. 18–48.
Norik B.V. A Bio-bibliographical Dictionary of Poetry in Central Asia (XVI — first third XVII cent.) [Биобиблиографический словарь среднеазиатской поэзии (XVI — первая треть XVII в.)]. Moscow, Mardjani Publishing House 2011. (Bibliotheca Islamica).
Nosov D.A. A Manuscript of the Mongolian Folk Tale “About old Borontai” from the IOM, RAS Collection // Written Monuments of the Orient. 2(6), 2017. P. 111–118.
The Note at the Altar On the Reconciliation of Confucius [Запись у алтаря о примирении Конфуция]. Fascimile edition, translation from Tangut, with Introduction and dictionary by E.I.Kychanov. Moscow: 2000. 151 p. (Pamyatniki pismennosti Vostoka, CXVII.)
Stary G., di Cosmo N., Pang T., Pozzi A. On the tracks of Manchu culture. 1644-1994. 350 years after the conquest of Peking. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 1995. 126 cc.
Mathematischer Papyrus des staatlichen Museums der schönen Künste zu Moskau / Herausgegeben und kommentiert von Struve W.W. // Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte der Mathematik. Berlin, 1930.
Trotsevich A.F. The Plots of Chinese Fiction In Korean Vernacular Novels // Literaru Migrators. Traditional Chinese Fiction In Asia (17-20th centuries). Ed. by C.Salmon. Beijing 1987. P. 85-105.
Fikhman I.F. Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im spätantiken Ägypten. Kleine Schriften Itzhak F. Fikhman / Herausgegeben von Andrea Jördens unter Mitarbeit von Walter Sperling. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2006. 380 S.
Tshangs-dbyangs-rgya-mtsho. Dolcet Songs [Цаньян Джамцо. Песни, приятные для слуха]. Fascimile edition of the xylograph and manuscript, critical text, translation from Tibetan and notes by L.S.Savitsky. Moscow 1983. (Pamyatniki pismennosti Vostoka, LXXI).