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Valeyev R. M., Zhukov V. Y., Kulganek I. V., Martynov D. E., Polyanskaya O. N. Biography and Academic Legacy of Orientalist Józef Kowalewski (Based on Materials from Archives and Manuscript Collections). Ed. by R. M. Valeyev, I. V. Kulganek. Saint Petersburg — Kazan: St. Petersburg Centre for Oriental Studies Publishers 2020. 440 p.: ill. ISBN 978-5-85803-537-4

van Ess J. Der Eine und das Andere. Beobachtungen an islamischen häresiographischen Texten. Bd. I-II. Berlin/New York, De Gruyter 2011. (Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des islamischen Orients. Beihefte zur Zeitschrift „Der Islam“. Neue Folge. Band 23)

Vasilyeva E. The First Persian, French and Russian Editions of the “Sharaf-nāma” // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 5, No 1, March 1999. P. 27-31.

Vetyukov V.A. The Sword Hidden in the Depth of Waters (Military Tradition of Medieval Vietnam) [Меч, сокрытый в глубине вод (военная традиция средневекового Вьетнама)]. Saint Petersburg: “Evraziya”, 2018. 318 p.

Vetyukov V.A. The Sword Hidden in the Depth of Waters (Military Tradition of Medieval Vietnam) [Меч, сокрытый в глубине вод (военная традиция средневекового Вьетнама)]. Saint Petersburg: “Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie”, 2005. 240p. ("Militaria Antiqua" series, VII).

B.Ya. Vladimirtsov – the Outstanding Researcher of Mongolia in the 20th Century [Б.Я.Владимирцов – выдающийся монголовед ХХ века]. Proceedings of International Conference October 6–8, 2014. St.Petersburg, Russia. Editor-in-chief S.Chuluun. Compiled and edited by I.V.Kulganek. Ulaanbaatar–St.-Petersburg. 2015. 218 p. ISBN 978-99973-0-619-7.

Vorobyeva-Desyatovskaya M.I. M.M. Berezovsky’s Expedition to Kucha (1905-1908) // Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century / Collected articles. Edited by I.F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008. P. 65-74.

Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya. An Illustrated Copy of a Georgian Translation of “Kalila and Dimna” // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 6, No 2, June 2000. P. 58-64.

Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya M.I. The Kāśyapaparivarta. Romanized Text and Facsimiles. The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology. Soka University. Tokyo, 2002 (in collaboration with Seishi Karashima and Noriyuki Kudo).

Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya M. The S.E.Malov Collection of Manuscripts in the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 1, No 2, October 1995. Pp. 29-39.

Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya M. A Sanskrit Manuscript on Birch-Bark from Bairam-Ali. II. Avadānas and Jātakas (Part 2) // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 7, No 1, March 2001. P. 10-23.

Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya M. A Sanskrit Manuscript on Birch-Bark from Bairam-Ali. II. Avadāna and Jātaka (Part 3) // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 7, No 2, June 2001. P. 10-19.

Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya M. A Sanskrit Manuscript on Birch-Bark from Bairam-Ali: I. The Vinaya of the Sarvāstivādins // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 5, No 2, June 1999. P. 27-36.

Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya. A Sanskrit Manuscript on Birch-Bark from Bairam-Ali: II. Avadānas and Jātakas (Part 1) // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 6, No 3, September 2000. P. 23-32.

Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya. A Sanskrit Manuscript on Birch-Bark from Bairam-Ali. I. The ‘Vinaya’ of the Sarvāstivādins: (part 2) // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 5, No 3, September 1999. P. 27-35.

Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya M. A Sanskrit Manuscript on Birch-Bark from Bairam-Ali. II. Avadāna and Jātaka (Part 4) // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 7, No 3, September 2001. P. 9-14.

Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya M. A Sanskrit Manuscript on Birch-bark from Bairam-Ali. II. Avadāna and Jātaka (part 5) // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 7, No 4, December 2001. P. 12-21.

Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya M. A Sanskrit Manuscript on Birch-bark from Bairam-Ali. II. “Avadāna” and “Jātaka” (Part 7) // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 8, No 2, June 2002. P. 20-28.

Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya M. A Sanskrit Manuscript on Birch-bark from Bairam-Ali. II. Avadāna’ and Jātaka (Part 8) // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 8, No 3, September 2002. P. 26-33.

Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya M. A Sanskrit Manuscript on Birch-Bark from Bairam-Ali: I. The ‘Vinaya’ of the Sarvāstivādins (part 3) // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 5, No 4, December 1999. P. 7-19.

Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya M. A Sanskrit Manuscript on Birch-Bark from Bairam-Ali: I. The ‘Vinaya’ of the Sarvāstivādins (part 4) // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 6, No 1, March 2000. P. 15-18.

Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya M. A Sanskrit Manuscript on Birch-Bark from Bairam-Ali: I. The Vinaya of the Sarvāstivādins (part 5) // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 6, No 2, June 2000. P. 10-16.

Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya M. A Sanskrit Manuscript on Birch-bark from Bairam-Ali. II. Avadāna and Jātaka (part 6) // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 8, No 1, March 2002. P. 18-26.

Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya M. Sanskrit Manuscripts from the N.F.Petrovsky Collection in the St Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 5, No 4, December 1999. P. 36-39.

Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya M. Tibetan Eighth-Century Documents on Wood from Miran // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 3, No 1, March 1997. P. 9-13.

Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya M. Tibetan Manuscripts of the 8—11th centuries A.D. in the Manuscript Collection of the St Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 1, No 1, July 1995. Pp. 46-48.

Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya M., E. Tyomkin. A Fragment of the Prātimoksha-sūtra from the P. I. Lavrov Collection at the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 6, No 4, December 2000. P. 24-29.

Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya M., Tyomkin E. Fragments of Sanskrit Manuscripts on Birch-Bark from Kucha // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 4, No 4, December 1998. P. 21-26.

Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya M. An Unique Manuscript of the “Kāśyapaparivarta-sūtra” in the Manuscript Collection of the St Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 1, No 1, July 1995. Pp. 12-16.

Vorozheykina Z. The Diyā al-qulūb on Pre-Islamic Beliefs of the Qirghiz // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 6, No 1, March 2000. P. 19-24.

Vostrikov A. Tibetan Historical Literature / Tr. by H. Ch. Gupta. Calcutta: R.D.Press, 1970.

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