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Sabrukova S. Examples of Buddhist Letters from A.M. Pozdneev Archive Collection // Written Monuments of the Orient, 2. Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura, 2015. P. 77-84.
The Sacred Books of Zoroastrianism. Transliteration, transcription, commented translation of three Pahlavi texts [Священные книги зороастризма. Транслитерация, транскрипция, комментированный перевод трех пехлевийских текстов], bу Aliy I. Kolesnikov. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2019. 187 p. ISBN 978-5-02-040535-6
Saka Document VII: the St. Petersburg Collections. Ed. By Ronald E. Emmerick and Margarita Vorobyova-Desjatovskaja. “Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum”, London, 1993.
Saka Documents Text Volume III: the St. Petersburg Collections. By Ronald E. Emmerick and Margarita Vorobyova-Desjatovskaja. “Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum”, London, 1995.
Sárközi A., Sazykin A.G. Calling the Soul of the Dead. Texts of Mongol Folk-Religion in the St.Petersburg Institute of Oriental Studies, I. In collaboration with Tibor Szabó. Brepols 2005 (Silk Road Studies, IX).
Sazykin A. Illustrated Manuscript of “One Hundred Thousand Verses” in the Mongolian Fund of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 2, No 2, June 1996. Pp. 62-63.
Sazykin A. The Collection of Mongolian Manuscripts and Xylographs in the Ethnological Museum of the Republic of Tuva in Kyzyl // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 2, No 2, June 1996. Pp. 44-49.
Sazykin A. The Message of the Three Sacred Mongol Lamas // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 7, No 4, December 2001. P. 5-11.
Sazykin A. Mongolian Hand-Written Books // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 6, No 1, March 2000. P. 5-14.
Sazykin A. A Mongolian Manuscript ‘Sungdui’ // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 5, No 3, September 1999. P. 62-69.
Sazykin A. The Oirat (Kalmyk) Version of the “The Story of Güsü-Lama” // Manuscripta Orientalia. International Journal for Oriental Manuscript Research. Vol. 3, No 2, June 1997. P. 33-38.
Scheglova O. Lithograph Versions of Persian Manuscripts of Indian Manufacture in the Nineteenth Century // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 5, No 1, March 1999. P. 12-22.
Selected Texts on Islam Compiled and Edited by S.M.Prozorov [Хрестоматия по исламу. Составитель и ответственный редактор С.М.Прозоров]. Moscow Nauka 1994.
Shah-Mahmud Churas. The Chronicle [Хроника]. Critical edition of the text, translation, notes, research paper and indices by O.F. Akimushkin. St Petersburg Linguistic Society 2010. 496 p. (Fontes scripti antiqui).
al-Shahrastani, Muhammad b. 'Abd al-Karim. The Book on Religions and Sects (Kitab al-milal wa-l-nihal). Vol. 1. [аш-Шахрастани, Мухаммад ибн ‘Абд ал-Карим. Книга о религиях и сектах (Китаб ал-милал ва-н-нихал). Часть 1.] Annotated translation from Arabic, Introduction and Commentaries by S.M.Prozorov. Ed. by Dr A.B.Khalidov. М., 1984. (Письменнные памятники Востока, LXXV.)
Shchepkin V. V. Creating a minority: the views of Japanese intellectuals and Japan’s policy towards Ainu in the 18th and 19th centuries // Russian Japanology Review, 2019. Vol. 2 (No. 1). P. 128–140.
Shchepkin V. V., Kartashov K. M. Ritual and Law: Reception of Adam Laxman’s expedition in Japan // Russian Japanology Review. Vol. 1. Moscow: «AIRO-XXI», 2018. P. 149–158.
Shchepkin V. The Manuscript Nijūgokoku chūka chikyū no zu (“Pictures of the Peoples of Twenty Five Countries with Maps of China and the World”) in the IOM, RAS Collection // Written Monuments of the Orient. 1(3), 2016. P. 3–20.// Written Monuments of the Orient. 1(3), 2016. P. 106–110.
Shchepkin V. Russo-Japanese Relations // Russian Round-the-world Voyages. From Krusenstern to the "Sedov". St Petersburg: Kriga Publishers 2013. P. 184-185.
Shchepkin V.V. Wind from the North. Russia and Ainu in 18th century Japan / Ed. by V.E.Molodykov. Moscow: Krug, 2017. 392 p. (Novye issledovaniya po yaponskoy kul'ture, Vol. 4.)
Shearer D.R. [Review:] Dmitriev S.V. Fond etnograficheskogo otdela Russkogo muzeia po kul’ture narodov zarubezhnogo Vostoka: Istoriia formirovaniia i sud'ba (1901–1930-e gg.). St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University, 2012 // Written Monuments of the Orient. 2(2), 2015. P. 108–110.
Shidfar B.Y. The System of Images in Classical Arabic Literature of the VI–XII Centuries [Образная система арабской классической литературы (VI–XII вв.)]. Moscow, Mardjani Publishing House 2011. (Bibliotheca Islamica).
Shikhsayidov A. R., Khalidov A. B. Manuscripts of al-Ghazālīs Works in Daghestan // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 3, No 2, June 1997. P. 18-30.
Iakerson Sh. M. A Tale of a Colophon: An Essay in the History of Hebrew Poetry and Book Printing. Poetical Translation of the Said Colophon by Elena Yuzbashyan. St. Petersburg: Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie, 2021. 56 pages. ISBN 978-5-85803-570-19
Shomakhmadov S. [Review:] S.L. Burmistrov. Rukopisi shkoly Vedanta v sobraniiakh Instituta vostochnykh rukopisei RAN: annotirovannyi katalog [Manuscripts of Vedānta School in the collections of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of RAS: annotated catalogue]. Moscow: Nauka–Vostochnaia Literatura, 2018. — 479 pp. (Pis’mennye pamiatniki Vostoka. CLII) // Written Monuments of the Orient, 1(9) 2019. P. 99—102.
Shomakhmadov S.H. [Review:] Indische Handschriften. Teil 19. Die Śāradā-Handschriften der Sammlung Janert der Staatsbibliothek — Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Beschrieben von Gеrhard Ehlers. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2016, 145 p. // Written Monuments of the Orient. 1(7), 2018. P. 124–126.
Shomakhmadov S. Vyākaraṇa as a Method of Rational Cognition in the Buddhist Written Sources // Written Monuments of the Orient, 1(9) 2019. P. 24—36.
Shukhman E. Hebrew Palaeotypes in the Collection of the St. Petersburg IOM, RAS // Written Monuments of the Orient. 2(4), 2016. P. 76—88.
Raschmann S.-Ch. [Review:] The State Hermitage Museum (ed.): Brush and Qalam: 200 years of the collection of the Institute of Oriental manuscripts. Exhibition catalogue. St. Petersburg: The State Hermitage Publishers, 2018. — 320 pp. // Written Monuments of the Orient, 1(9) 2019. P. 94—98.
Sims-Williams N. A Buddhist Technical Term in Christian Sogdian // Pis'mennye pamiatniki Vostoka. Vol. 18, no. 3 (46), 2021, pp. 32–36.
Sizova A. Tibetan Manuscript on Birchbark from the Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS // Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines. New Currents on the Neva River: Proceedings of the Fifth International Seminar of Young Tibetologists. Number 55, Juillet 2020. P. 462–474.
Smelova N. The Canons of the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea in the Manuscript IOM, RAS Syr. 34 // Written Monuments of the Orient. 1(3), 2016. P. 35–63.
Solonin K. The Masters of Hongzhou in the Tangut State // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 4, No 3, September 1998. P. 10-15.
[Review:] Arakawa Shintarō 荒川慎太郎. Seika bun Konggo kyō no kenkyū (西夏文金剛經の研究). — Kyōto: Shoukadoh, 2014, by K. Solonin // Written Monuments of the Orient. 1(3), 2016. P. 118–125.
Solonin K. The Tang Heritage of Tangut Buddhism. Teachings Classification in the Tangut Text „The Mirror“ // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 6, No 3, September 2000. P. 39-48.
Solonin K.J. "The Twenty-Five Answers Concerning the Buddhist Principles": A Tangut Buddhist Manual from St. Petersburg Tangut Collection // Written Momuments of the Orient [Письменные памятники Востока], 2(9), 2008. P. 147-170.
The St. Petersburg Muraqqa‘. Album of Indian and Persian Miniatures from the 16th through the 18th Century and Specimens of Persian Calligraphy by ‘Imād al-Ḥasanī / Project Conception and Consulting by Francesca von Habsburg. Milano: Leonardo Arte, 1996.
Stary G. A Manchu Document from 1663 Concerning the Imperial Palace in Shenyang // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 2, No 4, December 1996. P. 23-29.
Stary G. A Preliminary Note on the Manchu Versions of Qianlong’s Poetical Collection Quanyun shi // Written Momuments of the Orient [Письменные памятники Востока], 1(8), 2008. P. 100-104.
Stary G. The Rediscovery of Yongzheng’s Letter of 1725 to Pope Benedict XIII // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 4, No 4, December 1998. P. 27-34.
Stcherbatsky Th. The Central Conception of Buddhism and the Meaning of the Word “Dharma”. L., Royal Asiatic soc., 1923, 112 c. (Prise publ. fund., vol. 7).
Stcherbatsky Th. The Conception of Buddhist Nirvana. Leningrad, the USSR Academy of Sciences 1927, VI, 246 p.
Stcherbatsky Th. Erkenntnis Theorie und Logik nach der Lehre der späteren Buddhisten / Aus dem Russischen übers. von O. Strauss. München – Neubiberg, 1924, VII, 296 c.
[Review:] Joseph F. O’Callaghan. The Last Crusade in the West: Castile and the Conquest of Granada. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014, by Anastasia Stepanova // Written Monuments of the Orient. 1(5), 2017. P. 91–94.
Stepanova A.V. Who Conquered Spain? The Role of the Berbers in the Conquest of the Iberian Peninsula // Written Monuments of the Orient. 1(7), 2018. P. 78–87.
Stсherbatsky Th. La théorie de la connaissance et la logique chez les bouddhistes tardifs. Trad. par. I. de Manziarly et P. Masson-Oursel. P., 1926, XI, 253 c. (Annales de Musée Guimet. Bibliotheque d’etudes, t. 36).
Suleymanova S. Trade Colonies on Caspia Via between Central Asia and Caucasus // Bulletin of IICAS, Volume 8, 2009. P. 40-57.
Sultanov T. Authors and Authorship in Persian and Turkic Historical Writings // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 5, No 1, March 1999. P. 23-26.
Sultanov T. A Manuscript of the Tārīkh-ī Narshakhī and an Anonymous Remark on the Harmfulness of Tobacco // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 6, No 2, June 2000. P. 3-7.
Sultanov Т. Mu’izz al-ansāb and Spurious Chingīzids // Manuscripta Orientalia. International Journal for Oriental Manuscript Research. Vol. 2, No 3, September 1996. P. 3-7.