The Sacred Books of Zoroastrianism. Transliteration, transcription, commented translation of three Pahlavi texts [Священные книги зороастризма. Транслитерация, транскрипция, комментированный перевод трех пехлевийских текстов], bу Aliy I. Kolesnikov. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2019. 187 p. ISBN 978-5-02-040535-6
The book includes three Zoroastrian Middle Persian texts translated into Russian. The
first one is the Fifth book of Denkard compiled in IX‒X centuries CE from the earlier
sources, being a collection of the principal knowledge of Zoroastrianism. The Fifth book
relates to the genre of polemic literature, based on a dialogue, i. e. answers of a learned
Zoroastrian to questions of adherents of other religious confessions. It can be considered as
the catechism of Zoroastrian religion. The first Russian commented translation of the Fifth
book is forestalled by both transliteration and transcription of the original Pahlavi text.
The second text represents the fragment from the Fourth book of Denkard, which relates
the history of Zoroastrian scriptures in ancient and early medieval Iran under protection
of the mighty defenders of Zoroastrian religion, such as the kings Wishtasp, Walash,
Ardashir I, Shapur I, Shapur II and Khusro I Anoshurvan. The commented Russian translations
of complicated and ambiguous passages are supplied with the adequate transcription
of the original Pahlavi text when necessary.
The third text is «The Book of the Righteous Wiraz ( Ardā Wirāz nāmag)» compiled in
early Islamic times, but based on the earlier, Sasanian-period, sources. It can be attributed
to visionary literature because it describes the journey of Wiraz's soul to the other (spiritual)
world and its impressions after the observations on delights in the paradise and on horrors
in the hell. The Russian translation of Ardā Wirāz nāmag is supplied by a commentary
without transliteration of the original Pahlavi text.
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Keywords Ardā Wirāz nāmag "The Book of the Righteous Wiraz" Denkard Pahlavi Zoroastrianism
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