Shchepkin V.V. Wind from the North. Russia and Ainu in 18th century Japan / Ed. by V.E.Molodykov. Moscow: Krug, 2017. 392 p. (Novye issledovaniya po yaponskoy kul'ture, Vol. 4.)
The first half of seventeenth century was the period
when Tokugawa central government tried and managed
to bring Japan's foreign relations under control after more
than а century of disorder. The result was the shoguncentered
system of "four gates" realized bу the 1640s. In the
frames of this system Tsushima and Satsuma domains were
responsible for the diplomatic relations with Korea and
Ryukyu respectively while reaping the fruits of trade with
them. Nagasaki was the only seaport where Chinese and
Dutch ships from East and Southeast Asia were allowed to
соте for trade under the supervision bу shogun's governor. Last, Matsumae, the only J apanese domain on the southern
tip of present day Hokkaido, was in charge of trade relations
with Ainu who lived on the same island, as well as Sakhalin
and Kuril Islands, and didn't have their own state. At the
same time, these four gates provided the government with
the information about the outer world, since the activities
of the Portuguese in Southeast Asia and of the Manchus
in China remained of great concern bу the bakufu in the
rest of seventeenth century. Thus, the south can bе defined
as crucial direction for the Japan's foreign policy and
acquisition of information, while the north was considered
а desolate direction since the trade with Ainu was of far
lesser volume than that in the south and relations with them was of low significance for the shogun's legitimacy.
Matsumae domain have arranged relations between
Japanese merchants and Ainu bу dividing Ainu lands from
Japanese lands on the island and enfeoffing trading posts
to its vassals while restricting Ainu from moving off their
lands. The knowledge of the Ainu lands was, however, still
poor even in Matsumae: Japanese didn't even know how
far to the north they last. At the sаmе time, it was from the
north that Russians began to enter the Ainu lands in early
eighteenth century, and this region have finally bесоmе the
main contact zone of Russia and Jараn... PDF-files Annotation, Введение, Contents, Summary
Keywords Ainu Russian-Japanese relations
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