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Serguei Alexeyevich

Head of the Department of Middle Eastern and Near Eastern Studies at the IOM RAS
Candidate of Sciences (equiv. Ph.D.) - History
Born on October 13, 1963 in Leningrad.


- 1985: Honours Diploma of higher education IV no. 927145 issued by Leningrad State Univerity (USSR) on June 28, 1985, speciality: Orientalist & Historian (History of the Arab Countries).

- 1991: Ph.D. Diploma in History (Diploma of the “Candidate of Historical Sciences”) KD no. 031399 issued on behalf of the Supreme Certifying Committee attached to the USSR Council of Ministers on February 27, 1991; the Ph.D. thesis was maintained on November 16, 1990 at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Leningrad Branch).


01.08.1985 - 15.09.1986: Librarian at the Library of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Leningrad.

16.09.1986 - 01.08.1990: Inspector at the Customs office of the International airport Pulkovo-2, Leningrad.

03.08.1990 - 15.05.1992: Member of the technical staff at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian (formerly – USSR) Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg (formerly – Leningrad) Branch.

15.05.1992 - 01.06.1996: Assistant Researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg Branch).

01.06.1996 - 08.06.1998: Researcher in the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg Branch).

08.06.1998 - spring 2012 - Senior Researcher in the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg Branch).

From spring 2012, Head of the Section of Near Eastern Studies, the Department of Near Eastern and Midle Eastern Studies, the IOM RAS.

Ph.D. (“Candidate of Historical Sciences”) Thesis Sotsial’no-politicheskaja istoria Hadramauta v rannee srednevekov’e (The Socio-Political History of Hadramawt in early Middle Ages). Leningrad, 1990, 210 p. (typewriting). The synopsis of thesis was published as a separate booklet: Leningrad, 1990, 28 p. The thesis’ tutor was Dr. Piotr A. Gryaznevich.

Participation in Archaeological Missions:

- November 2004, November 2005: Epigraphist of the Russian Arachaeological Mission in the Republic of Yemen which excavated the temple of the god Siyân (Raybûn VI, Hadramawt).

- November 2007: Epigraphist of the Russian Arachaeological Mission in the Republic of Yemen which excavated the temple of the goddess Dhât Himyam (Raybûn V, Hadramawt).


2007 - the medal of St. Macarius, the Metropolitan of Moscow.

Fields of special interest: Sabaean studies (Languages, history and culture of ancient South Arabia), Mediaeval history of Yemen, Early history of the Caliphate, Arab Christian studies (especially, Arabic Christian manuscripts' tradition), Ancient and mediaeval history and culture of Ethiopia (with a particular interest for Ethiopic manuscripts).

Publications ( the entire list as a *.pdf file)


Грунтфест Я.Б., Французов С.А. Южноаравийские надписи (не издано).


Frantsouzoff, Serge A. Five Lives of Saints. Essays on Study of Arabic Orthodox Hagiography. Researches and Publications [Пять житий. Очерки изучения арабо-православной агиографии. Исследование и публикация]. Sаint Petersburg: Publishing House of the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, 2021. 280 p., il. ISBN 978-5-8064-3050-3


Inventaire des inscriptions sudarabiques. Tome 8, Nihm / Frantsouzoff S., avec une contribution de Ch.Robin. Paris: diff. de Boccard, 2016. In 2 vol.: fasc. A – Les documents : 208 p. ; fasc. B – Les planches : 117 p. (Inventaire des inscriptions sudarabiques, tome 8). ISBN: 978-2-87754-330-9.


History of Hadramawt from the earliest time up to the end of the British rule: in 3 vols. Volume I: Frantsouzoff S. A. History of Hadramawt in Antiquity. St. Petersburg : Linguistic Society of St. Petersburg, 2014. 336 p., ill. (Studia Yemenica). ISBN 978-5-4318-0015-3; ISBN 978-5-4318-0016-0 (vol. 1).

Frantsouzoff S. Les chiffres coptes dans les manuscrits arabes, chrétiens et musulmans // Parole de l’Orient. 39, 2014. P. 259—273.


Frantsouzoff S.А. East of Aden. Oasis of Raybūn in the 1st Millennium BC (epigraphic documentation, religious life and social structure of a cult center of ancient Hadramawt) [К востоку от Адена. Оазис Райбун в I тысячелетии до н.э. (эпиграфические памятники, религиозная жизнь и социальное устройство культового центра древнего Хадрамаута)]. 2nd ed., rev. and augm. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University Faculty of Philology; Nestor-Historia, 2012. 224 p., ill. (Asiatica)


Frantsouzoff S. Inventaire des inscriptions sudarabiques. Tome 6. Raybūn. Kafas/Na’mān, temple de la déesse Dhāt Himyam. Fascicule A. Les documents. Fascicule B. Les planches. Paris-Rome, 2007.


Frantsouzoff S. A Minaic inscription on the pedestal of an ibex figurine from the British Museum // Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, vol.36. Brepols, 2006. С. 69-77.


Арабская Псалтырь: Приложение в факсимильному изданию Рукописи А 187 (Арабская петербургская лицевая Псалтырь) из собрания Института востоковедения РАН (Санкт-Петербургский филиал) / Подг. Вал.В.Полосин, Н.И.Сериков, С.А.Французов: Под общ. ред. Н.И.Серикова. - СПб.; Воронеж: «Кварта», 2005. — 216 с. 44 ил. — (Серия «Mirabilia»).


Frantsouzoff S. Histoire sociale et politique du Hadramawt au cours du Haut Moyen-Âge (IVe-XIIe siècle de l’ère chrétienne). Introduction et traduction arabe ‘Abd al-‘Azîz bin ‘Aqil. Sanaa: Centre Français d’Archéologie et de Sciences Sociales de Sanaa, 2004.


Frantsouzoff S. The Hadramitic funerary inscription from the cave-tomb at al-Rukbah (Wādī Ghabr, Inland Hadramawt) and burial ceremonies in ancient Hadramawt // Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, vol.33. Brepols, 2003. С. 251-265.


Frantsouzoff S. Epigraphic evidence for the cult of the god Sīn at Raybūn and Shabwa // Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, vol.31. Brepols, 2001. С. 59—67.


Frantsouzoff S. Hadramitic documents written on palm-leaf stalks // Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, vol.29. Brepols, 1999. С. 55-65.


Frantsouzoff S. A parallel to the Second Commandment in the inscriptions of Raybun // Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, vol.28. Brepols, 1998. С. 61-67.


Frantsouzoff S. Regulation Of Conjugal Relations In Ancient Raybūn // Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, vol.27. Brepols, 1997. С. 113-127.

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