Frantsouzoff S.А. East of Aden. Oasis of Raybūn in the 1st Millennium BC (epigraphic documentation, religious life and social structure of a cult center of ancient Hadramawt) [К востоку от Адена. Оазис Райбун в I тысячелетии до н.э. (эпиграфические памятники, религиозная жизнь и социальное устройство культового центра древнего Хадрамаута)]. 2nd ed., rev. and augm. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University Faculty of Philology; Nestor-Historia, 2012. 224 p., ill. (Asiatica)
The present monograph contains the main results of an historico-philological analysis of the epigraphic documents discovered by Soviet and Russian scholars in 1983 2007 during the excavations of Raybun, one of the temple centers of pre-Islamic Yemen, which was an intergral part of the kingdom of Hadramawt in the lsl millennium BC. In this work new approaches to the reconstruction of the relative chronology of ancient South Arabian inscriptions are well-reasoned on the basis of palaeographic and linguistic criteria, previously unknown peculiarities of the epigraphic Hadramitic language and its textual formulae are revealed, several features of the everyday life and cult practice of the inhabitants of Raybun arc elucidated, the structure of the society of Raybun and the principal bench-marks of its historical development are examined.
The book is intended for the specialists in the ancient Orient as well as for the Arabists and Semitologists who want to be informed about recent achievements in the field of South Arabian Studies.
PDF-files Аннотация, Предисловие, Введение, Summary, Оглавление
Keywords the epigraphic Hadramitic language pre-Islamic Yemen Raybūn
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