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Stanislav Mikhailovich

Head of Academic Research
Candidate of Sciences (equiv. Ph.D.) - History
Born on January 21, 1938 in Voronezh (the U.S.S.R. / Russian Federation).


1956-1961, The State University of Leningrad, Department of Oriental Studies, the History of Arabic Countries.

1964-1967, the Institute of Oriental Studies, the Academy of Sciences of the USSR , Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), Ph.D. in Islamic Studies.

PhD Dissertation

Firaq al-Shi 'a (The Shi'ite Sects) by al-Nawbakhti as a Source on Islamic History. Defended at the Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies, 1970.

Academic and Administrative Positions

1961-1964, Tadjik State University, the Department of Oriental Studies, the Institute of History of the Tadjik Academy of Sciences;

1964-1980, Junior Researcher, Researcher, Senior Researcher at the same Institute;

1980-1995, Head of the Group for Islamic Studies of the Institute of Oriental Studies / the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences (from 1986, leading researcher);

From 2005 up to present, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies / the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

From 2010 up to present, Head of the Department of Middle Eastern and Near Eastern Studies of the IOM RAS

Teaching experience:

1961-1964, Tadjik State University, the Department of Oriental Studies; the Institute of History of the Tadjik Academy of Sciences.

From 1980 up to present, Visiting Professor at some St.Petersburg Universities such as St. Petersburg Gertzen State University (program Islam as a Religious System); the Department of Oriental Studies, St. Petersburg State University (Introduction to the Islamic Studies, Islam as a Religious System); St. Petersburg Academy of Culture (Islam and Arab-and-Islamic Culture); Institute of Religion and Philosophy (Islam as a Religious System); Russian Christian Institute of Humanities (Islam as a Religious System)

1980-1990, Visiting Lecturer at State and National Universities of Baku, Dushanbe, Yerevan, Tbilisi, Kazan, etc. (he predominant ideas in Islam)

2007-2008, Visiting Lecturer at Kazan Islamic University (Islam as a religious system).

Major Research Interests:

Classical Islam, Islamic Dogmatics and Sects, Islamic Demography, Islamic. Historiography and Source Studies, Arabic Culture; Arabic Written Culture; Manuscripts and Documents Studies; Islam in Russia; Islamic Political and Religious Doctrines.


Arabic (Classical and Modern Standard), German, French, English, Russian (native)

International Conferences (organization, coordination and participation)

Congresses of Soviet and Russian Arabists (from 1972).

International Conferences on Islamic Studies (Tashkent, 1980; Moscow, 1983, 1986; Leningrad, 1988).

All-Union Congresses of Arabists.

Annual Conferences Barthold's readings (from 1972).

International Conference Islam and Problems of Civilizational Interactions (Moscow, 1992).

17th Congress of Union Europeenne des Arabisants et d'Islamisants (St.Petersburg, 1994).

International Congress Islam and Ethnic-Confessional Mutual Understanding in the Changing World (Moscow, 1995).

International round-table Samarkand-Fergana (2000).

Islamic Civilization in the Volga-Ural Region (Kazan, 2001).

Islamic culture (Tashkent, 2003).

International Conference Mahmyt Zamakhshary and Oriental Literary-Scientific Renaissance. Aşgabat-Daşoguz, 23-25 May 2007.

International Conference Islamic Civilization in Central Asia. Astana, Kazakhstan, 4-7 September 2007.

International scientific Conference Cultural heritage – source for studying the history, the cultural and spiritual renaissance of the world. Aşgabat (Turkmenistan), March 14-15 2008.

International scientific Conference dedicated to Memory of E.Pritsak. Kiev, 1 April 2008.

International scientific Conference “Shihabuddin Marjani: the Legacy and the Contemporaneity”. Kazan, 15-17 May, 2008.

International Conference Russia and the Muslim World. Moscow , 23-24 June 2008.

International scientific Conference Nejmeddin Kubra and Spiritual-Cultural World of Orient. Aşgabat-Daşoguz (Turkmenistan), 4-6 September 2008.

The VIth Congress of Russian Orientalists The contemporary Problems of the fundamental Orientalism. Ulan-Ude, 17-21 September 2008.

Islamic Civilization in the Volga-Ural Region. 3rd International Symposium. Ufa, 14-16 October 2008.

International scientific-practical Conference A Development of the Islamic theological and religious Education in Russia and abroad. Moscow, 13-14 November 2008.

International Conference The Muslim Education in Russia: Traditions and Perspectives. Kazan, 26-27 November 2008.

International theoretical and practical conference Muslim Education in Russia and Abroad (Kazan, 28-29 September 2009). International Ibn al-Arabi Symposium East and West: Common Spiritual Values, Scientific-Cultural Links dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of Prof. Dr. Aida Imanguliyeva (9-11 October 2009 – Baku).

International Conference Islamic philosophy and philosophical islamology: development and interaction (Moscow, 28 October 2011).

The 1st Kazan International Scientific Forum Islam in a Multicultural World. 1-3 November 2011 (Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan).

International Scientific Conference Medieval Cities of Turkmenistan in the System of the Eurasian Civilization Aşgabat, March 28-30, 2012).

Publications ( the entire list as a *.pdf file)


Islam in the Territories of the Former Russian Empire: Encyclopedic lexicon / compiled and edited by S. M. Prozorov. Vol. II. Moscow: Nauka — Vostochnaya literatura, 2018. 645 p. ISBN 978-5-02-039811-5 (in Russian)

Al-Mufaddal al-Ju’fi. Proofs of the Divine creation and purposefulness of the world (Kitab al-Adilla ‘ala’l-khalq wa’l-tabdir). Facsimile of the manuscript. Introduction and indexes by S.M. Prozorov. Moscow: Nauka – Vostochnaya literatura, 2018. 24+176 с. (Written Monuments of the Orient. CLI). ISBN 978-5-02-039826-9 (in Russian)


Ars Islamica. In Honor of Stanislav Mikhailovich Prozorov [Ars Islamica: в честь Станислава Михайловича Прозорова] / Edited by Mikhail B. Piotrovsky and Alikber K. Alikberov. Moscow: Nauka - Vostochnaya literatura 2016. 871 p.: ill. ISBN 978-5-02-039776-7.

Prozorov S.M. Islam as an Ideological System. Vol. 2 [Ислам как идеологическая система. Т. II]. Moscow: Nauka - Vostochnaya literatura 2016. 365 p. ISBN 978-5-02-039757-6.


Russian Scholars on Ismailism / Ed. by Stanislav Prozorov, Hakim Elnazarov. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg State University Faculty of Philology; Nestor-Historia Publishers 2014. 312 p., ill.


Islam in the Former Russian Empire: Encyclopaedic Lexicon. Fasc. 5 [Ислам на территории бывшей Российской империи: Энциклопедический словарь. Вып. 5] / Ed. by S.M.Prozorov; Advisers O.F.Akimushkin, V.O.Bobrovnikov; Indices by S.M.Prozorov, T.N.Satpaeva. Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura 2012. 232 p. + fig.


Prozorov S.M. The Leningrad/St. Petersburg School of Scientific Islamology // The Heritage of Soviet Oriental Studies. Ed. by M.Kemper & S.Conermann. London & New York: Routledge, 2011. P. 112-123.


Prozorov S. Prophet Muhammad in the Sufi Tradition as the Perfect Manifestation of Mystical Love of God // East and West: Common Spiritual Values, Scientific-Cultural Links. International Ibn al-Arabi Symposium dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of Prof. Dr. Aida Imanguliyeva (9-11 October, 2009 – Baku). Istanbul: Insan Pulications, 2010. P. 559-576.


Prozorov S.M. Intellectual Elite of Mawarannahr and Khurasan on the Eve of the Mongolian Invasion (Based on the al-Andarasbani’s Biographical Dictionary) / International Conference on Islamic Civilization in Central Asia / 4-7 September 2007/ Astana, Kazakhstan. 2007.


Гиргас В.Ф. Арабско-русский словарь к Корану и хадисам. — СПб.: «Издательство «Диля», 2006. — 928 с. [Переиздание «Словаря к Арабской хрестоматии и Корану» проф. В.Ф.Гиргаса (Казань, 1881); подготовили С.М.Прозоров и М.Г.Романов].

Islam in the territories of the Former Russian Empire: Encyclopaedic Lexicon. Vol. I / ed. by Stanislav M. Prozorov. [Ислам на территории бывшей Российской империи: Энциклопедический словарь. Том I / Составитель и ответственный редактор — С.М.Прозоров; научные консультанты — О.Ф.Акимушкин, В.О.Бобровников, А.Б.Халидов; указатели — А.А.Хисматулин]. Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura 2006. 655 p. + fig.


Аликберов А.К. Эпоха классического ислама на Кавказе: Абу Бакр ад-Дарбанди и его суфийская энциклопедия «Райхан ал-хака’ик» (XI-XII вв.) / А.К. Аликберов. Ответственный редактор С.М. Прозоров — М.: Вост. лит., 2003. — 847 с: ил., карты. — (Культура народов Востока : Материалы и исслед.: Осн. в 1969 г. / Редкол.: Ю.А. Петросян (пред.) и др.). — ISBN 5-02-018190-0 (в пер.).

Ислам на территории бывшей Российской империи: Энциклопедический словарь. Выпуск 4. Составитель и ответственный редактор С. М. Прозоров; Указатели А. А. Хисматулин; Научный консультант О. Ф. Акимушкин [Islam in the Former Russian Empire: Encyclopaedic Lexicon. Fasc.4.] — М.: Вост. лит., 2003. — 160с:ил. — ISBN5-02-0181359-8 (в обл.).


Ислам на территории бывшей Российской империи. Энциклопедический словарь. Выпуск 3. Составитель и ответственный редактор С. М. Прозоров; Указатели А. А. Хисматулин; Научные консультанты: О. Ф. Акимушкин, А. Б. Халидов. М.: Издательская фирма «Восточная литература» РАН, 2001. — 184 с: ил.


Ислам на территории бывшей Российской империи. Энциклопедический словарь. Выпуск 2. Составитель и ответственный редактор С. М. Прозоров; Указатели А. А. Хисматулин; Научные консультанты: О. Ф. Акимушкин, В. О. Бобровников, А. Б. Халидов. М.: Издательская фирма «Восточная литература» РАН, 1999. — 167 с: ил.

Prozorov S.M. A unique manuscript of a biographical dictionary by a Khorezmian author // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 5, № 2. June, 1999, pp. 9-17.


Ислам на территории бывшей Российской империи. Энциклопедический словарь. Выпуск 1. Составитель и ответственный редактор С. М. Прозоров; Указатели А. А. Хисматулин; Научные консультанты: О. Ф. Акимушкин, А. Б. Халидов. М.: Издательская фирма «Восточная литература» РАН, 1998. — 159 с: ил. ISBN 5-02-018047-5


ал-Багдади, ‘Абд ал-Кахир б. Тахир. Усул ад-дин фи-л-калам. («Основы религии в богословии»). Перевод с арабского и примечания С.М. Прозорова. / Хрестоматия по исламу. Составитель и ответственный редактор С.М. Прозоров. М.: Наука. ИФВЛ, 1994, 108-138.

Selected Texts on Islam Compiled and Edited by S.M.Prozorov [Хрестоматия по исламу. Составитель и ответственный редактор С.М.Прозоров]. Moscow Nauka 1994.


Ислам: Историографические очерки. Под общей ред. С.М.Прозорова. [Резван Е.А. Коран и коранистика; Ермаков Д.В. Хадисы и хадисная литература; Кныш А.Д. Суфизм] — М.: Наука. Главная редакция восточной литературы, 1991. — 228 с. ISBN 5-02-017284-7

Ислам. Энциклопедический словарь. Ответственный редактор С. М. Прозоров. М.: Наука. ГРВЛ, 1991.


ал-Фахри, ‘Али ибн Мухаммад ибн ‘Абдаллах. Китаб талхис ал-байан фи зикр фирак ахл ал-адйан (Краткое разъяснение к перечню последователей разных вер). Факсимиле рукописи. Издание текста, предисловие, краткое изложение содержания и указатели С.М.Прозорова. Ответственный редактор М.Б.Пиотровский. ППВ, LXXXIV, М., 1988.


al-Shahrastani, Muhammad b. 'Abd al-Karim. The Book on Religions and Sects (Kitab al-milal wa-l-nihal). Vol. 1. [аш-Шахрастани, Мухаммад ибн ‘Абд ал-Карим. Книга о религиях и сектах (Китаб ал-милал ва-н-нихал). Часть 1.] Annotated translation from Arabic, Introduction and Commentaries by S.M.Prozorov. Ed. by Dr A.B.Khalidov. М., 1984. (Письменнные памятники Востока, LXXV.)


Прозоров С.М. Арабская историческая литература в Ираке, Иране и Средней Азии в VII — середине X. Шиитская историография. ГРВЛ, М., 1980.


al-Nawbakhti, al-Hasan b. Musa. The Shi'ite Sects. Annotated translation from Arabic, Study and Notes by S.M.Prozorov. Moscow, 1973 [ан-Наубахти, ал-Хасан ибн Муса. Шиитские секты. Перевод с арабского, исследование и комментарий С.М.Прозорова. ППВ, XLIII. М., 1973.]

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