Prozorov S.M. Islam as an Ideological System. Vol. 2 [Ислам как идеологическая система. Т. II]. Moscow: Nauka - Vostochnaya literatura 2016. 365 p. ISBN 978-5-02-039757-6.
The second volume of the research (which is presented to the reader)
entitled “Islam as an ideological system” discusses aspects of Islam on the
three main areas of the topic, which are covered by three of four chapters
of the book and which were not included in the first volume (published in
2004): 1. The Qur’an and Muslim Exegetics; 2. Sufism as a form of interpretation
and existence of Islam; 3. Academic Islamic Studies and Islamic
Education in Russia. The important difference of the development of these
aspects of Islam is reliance on original Arabic sources base, including
The book includes my supplemented and adapted to the genre of a
monographic publication articles, translations from the Arabic language,
educational courses programs and textbooks, presentations at international
conferences, prepared and mainly published in the last ten years in professional
journals, collections of academic papers, proceedings of international
conferences. Collected together and thematically grouped in chapters,
I hope, they will give the interested reader a more complete and detailed
understanding of Islam as an ideological system and its specifics.
On November 14–15, 2023, the 1st All-Russia conference of young orientalists “Army and military traditions of the Near East” will be held at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS. The program of the conference is now available.