The collection of Egyptian stelae, stone blocks and fragments covered with reliefs now in the possession of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow, comprises more than two hundred objects originating from various sites in Egypt and elsewhere, ranging in date from the early Old Kingdom down to the end of Roman rule in Egypt. Such a collection cannot but be considered important, and it gives the authors of the present book particular pleasure to be able to bring it to the attention of their colleagues and all those who have fallen under the spell of Egypt. Since the collection as a whole has never been the subject of a systematic study, and about three-quarters of it has not yet been published, much of the material in this book will be new to the reader...
4—6 декабря 2023 г. состоится Ежегодная научная сессия ИВР РАН «Письменное наследие Востока как основа классического востоковедения». Предлагаем вашему вниманию программу Сессии.