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Tatiana Dmitrievna

Head of the Department of Central Asian and South Asian Studies at the IOM RAS
Doctor of Sciences (equiv. Habilitation) - History
Born on September 24, 1948, in Orenburg.

In 1974, graduated from Leningrad State University.

In 1978-1981, a doctoral student at the Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies (now the IOM RAS). In 1982, гdefended her PhD Dissertation, The Lamaite Church in Political Life of Khalkha during the 16th through Early 20th Century [Ламаистская церковь в политической жизни халхи XVI — начало XX вв.]. In 1988, defended her Habilitation Dissertation, The Lamaite Church and the State. The Outer Mongolia during the 16th through Early 20th Century [Ламаистская церковь и государство. Внешняя Монголия XVI — начало XX века].

From 1974 up to January 2011, researcher (from junior to chief) at the Department of Buddhist, Cultural and Religious Studies, the Institute of Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies, the Siberian Department of the RAS.

From 2002 up to present, holds the rank of professor.

From January 2011 up to present, leading researcher at the Department of Central and South Asian Studies, the IOM RAS.

Major research interests: nomadic studies, the history of Mongolia, Buddhism in Russia and Mongolia, political, social and cultural anthropology, traditional culture of Mongolian peoples, national Renaissance, identification, ethnic self-consciousness, sociocultural modernization.

Honorary Certificare from the People's Khural of the Republic of Buryatia, September 10, 1997;
Honorary Certificare from the Russian Academy of Scioences, April 28, 1999;
Honorary title of Meritorious Veteran of the Siberian Department of the RAS, 1997;
Honorary title of Meritorious Academic of the Republic of Buryatia, January 29, 2003;
Honorary Certificare from the Academy of Sciences of Mongolia, 2007.



Mongolica-XVI / Editorial Board: I.V.Kulganek (editor-in-chief), L.G.Skorodumova, T.D.Skrynnikova, K.V.Orlova, N.S.Yakhontova. Secretary and Editor of the English text: D.A.Nosov St Petersburg, 2016. 104 p. ISSN 2311-5939.


Countries and Peoples of the East. Vol. XXXVI. Religions of the East. Ed. by I.F.Popova, T.D.Skrynnikova.Moscow: Nauka - Vostochnaya literatura 2015. 431 p. ISBN 978-5-02-039952-5.

Mongolica-XIV / Editorial Board: I.V.Kulganek (editor-in-chief), L.G.Skorodumova, T.D.Skrynnikova, K.V.Orlova, N.S.Yakhontova. St Petersburg, 2015. 104 p.

Mongolica-XV / Editorial Board: I.V.Kulganek (editor-in-chief), L.G.Skorodumova, T.D.Skrynnikova, K.V.Orlova, N.S.Yakhontova. St Petersburg, 2015. 104 p. ISSN 2311-5939.


Countries and Peoples of the East. Vol. XXXV. Collections, texts and their "biographies". Ed. by I.F.Popova, T.D.Skrynnikova.Moscow: Nauka - Vostochnaya literatura 2014. 439 p. ISBN 978-5-02-036581-0.

Mongolica-XII / Editorial Board: I.V.Kulganek (editor-in-chief), L.G.Skorodumova, T.D.Skrynnikova, K.V.Orlova, N.S.Yakhontova. St Petersburg, 2014. 106 p.

Mongolica-XIII / Editorial Board: I.V.Kulganek (editor-in-chief), L.G.Skorodumova, T.D.Skrynnikova, K.V.Orlova, N.S.Yakhontova. St Petersburg, 2014. 104 p.


Mongolica-XI / Editorial Board: I.V.Kulganek (editor-in-chief), L.G.Skorodumova, T.D.Skrynnikova, K.V.Orlova, N.S.Yakhontova. St Petersburg, 2013. 104 p.

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