Mongolica-XV / Editorial Board: I.V.Kulganek (editor-in-chief), L.G.Skorodumova, T.D.Skrynnikova, K.V.Orlova, N.S.Yakhontova. St Petersburg, 2015. 104 p. ISSN 2311-5939.
The fifteenth edition of the «Mongolica» magazine is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of outstanding scientist, Mongolian
linguist, the eldest professor of Oriental faculty of St. Petersburg State University, Zoya Kononovna Kasyanenko,
who gave teaching at the department of Mongolian philology more than fifty years.
K. V. Alekseev. Life in science: Mongolian studies in the writings of Z. K. Kasyanenko — 6
Z. K. Kasyanenko — Teacher of three generations... (publication by I. V. Kulganek) — 10
Z. K. Kasyanenko. From teacher to apprentice (publication by N. S. Yakhontova) — 15
Delyash N. Muzraeva. Comparative researches of the Mongolian and Oirat translations of the Buddhist literature (the basic problematics) — 16 The subject of the article makes a complex of the problems connected with studying of translations of works
of the Buddhist literature on Mongolian and Oirat languages. The author marks an important role of translation
works of the Buddhist literature for the history of literature of Mongols and researches in the spheres of literary
and cultural contacts in the Central Asia. Main objectives and research problems of translation literary works on
Mongolian and Oirat languages are represented in the article in the form of separate declarations connected with
the decision of shared problems on a material of various texts translated into Mongolian and Oirat languages.
Key words: the Buddhist literature, Mongolian and Oirat translations, research problems.
K. V. Orlova. Review of Oirat written sources of Western Mongolia — 24
The article is devoted to the materials about written heritage of Western Mongols were gathered both in Center
of Oirat history and culture “Tod Nomin Gerel” and in private collections and are captured on electronic sources.
In Mongolia, the richest manuscript collections are held at the State Public Library and the Institute of Language
and Literature of Mongolia in Ulan Bator. Translator some of these manuscripts is famous Oirat educator, politician
and founder of the Oirat writing (1648), Zaya Pandita Namkaydzhamtso (1599―1662).
Key words: Oirats of Western Mongolia, written sources, Zaya Pandita Namkaydzhamtso (1599―1662).
A. V. Popov. The administrative regime of the Russian-North Mongolian border in the terms of Qing law (XVIII—first half XIX century) — 27
Principle idea of this article is to characterize legal rules imposed by the authorities of the Qing Empire in the
XVIII—first half XIX century in order to establish the administrative regime of the Russian-North (Khalkha)
Mongolian border. The author comes to the conclusion that the studied area of the law was formed under the influence
of doctrines of establishing administrative power in Mongolia, typical of the Qing political theory and
practice during the studied period. An important element of these doctrines was the thesis to isolate Mongolia
from external influences for the preservation of the nomadic lifestyle of the Mongols and their traditional military
organization, which the Qing rulers were ordained role of one of the pillars of their Imperial power. However, the
situation on the Russian-Mongolian border contrasted sharply with the provisions of Qing laws. Qing China failed
to create an administrative system that was able to suppress contacts between the population of the Russian and
Mongolian border regions, not controlled by official authorities.
Key words: North Mongolia, Russia, the Qing Empire, the Russo-Mongolian relations, the Qing doctrine of
establishing administrative power in Mongolia, the border between Russia and Mongolia.
T. D. Skrynnikova. Basics of ruler’s authority in Mongolian political culture during Genghis Khan’s era — 39
In this article the main emphasis is on analysis of the concepts küčü and ejen. Uncovering the terminology of
the political culture that reflected the notions of a certain period and explaining the meanings of the
terms/concepts allows to trace the evolution of these meanings. Studying the terms that express the interrelations
of power and domination, reveal the language patterns that define them and the situations that reflect the idea of
exercising the power, allow to demonstrate the system of settled meanings, as well as the semantic manifestations
of the ambiguousness of the notions of power among the Mongols in 13 century.
Key words: power, concept, legitimation, traditional political culture, social structure, political organization,
typology of nomadic societies.
V. L. Uspensky. A Legend about the Seal Which Belonged to the Emperors of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty — 45
The acquisition of the Yuan dynasty imperial seal by the Manchu ruler Hongtaiji was regarded as a proof of
the fact that he received the “Mandate of Heaven”. The possession of this seal alongside the successful conquests
were regarded as a justification of the promulgation of the new Dai Qing dynasty in 1636. The legendary story of
this seal dating back to the period of the Warring States is found in the “History of Buddhism in China” (Tib.
rGya nag chos ’byung) by Gombojab (mGon-po-skyabs). This story is translated into Russian in the present article.
Key words: Qing dynasty, seal, Mongol, Machu, legends.
N. V. Yampol’skaya. A Consolidated List of Fragments of “Black” Mongolian Manuscript Kanjurs in the Collection of IOM RAS — 48
The publication contains a list of fragments of two Mongolian manuscript Kanjurs, the bulk of which are preserved
in the collection of IOM RAS under pressmarks K 26—K 36. The fragments were found in Siberia and
brought to St. Petersburg in the 18th century. A number of folios found their way to other European collections.
The fragments had not been studied before 2014. In 2014—2015 other fragments of the same manuscripts were
found in IOM RAS among unlisted materials. Several folios are kept at the Russian National Library, Berlin State
Library, and the Francke Foundations, Halle. This publication brings together all of these fragments in a consolidated
list (1267 ff. in total), presenting what was previously known as “odd folios” as two integral, although incomplete,
manuscripts. The list is a first step towards the creation of a catalogue.
Key words: Mongolian Kanjur, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Ablai-keyid.
I. V. Kulganek. Mongolian proverbs: What is hidden from the view of the uninitiated — 59
This article reveals the imagery of Mongolian Proverbs as the popular sayings, a part of people's spiritual culture
and the expression of ethnic worldview. They, transferring and storing the experience of the people, show a
link with fundamental cultural concepts, basis for the national language picture of the world of the Mongolian
Key words: Mongolian, Proverbs, aphorism, trails, artistic features, ethnic worldview, spiritual culture.
A. V. Mazarchuk. 1st person plural pronouns in modern Mongolian language — 65
This is the first article of a planned series of articles on Mongolian pronouns. Here, the author gives some general
information on Mongolian pronouns and shares her observations on first-person, plural personal pronouns in
modern Mongolian. The author analyzes, among other things, characteristic features of the pronouns, such as inclusivity
and exclusivity, and comes to the conclusion that the standard interpretations of inclusivity, ‘you, I and
others’, and exclusivity, ‘I and others, but not you’, as stated in the book “General Morphology” by V. Plungyan,
are not entirely suitable for the description of the pronouns манай (1Pl.Excl) and бидний (1Pl.Incl). Based on statistics,
the author suggests that the pronoun манай is neutral, and the pronoun бидний is used only when the
speaker intends to stress the identical degree of involvement of himself/herself and the addressee in the situation.
Key words: the Mongolian language, pronouns (prowords), grammar, inclusivity, exclusivity.
M. P. Petrova. Creator and Creativity Concept in the Novel “White, Black, Red” by G. Ayurzana — 73
This article presents literary analysis of the novel “White, Black, Red”, written by one of the cult authors of
Modern Mongolia G. Ayurzana. The main hero of the novel is an artist, a creator. The author examines the fate of
his philosophical and psychological aspects of creativity. Exploring the relationship of internal and external components
of the process of creating a work of art G. Ayurzana presents an original concept of the creator as well as
of the creation. The author of the article concludes that the realistic direction of development of modern Mongolian
literature development includes a significant part of deep psychological prose.
Key words: G. Ayurzana, “White, Black, Red”, realistic direction, concept of the creator, creative concept.
L. G. Skorodumova. On creation of modern Mongolian writer T. Yumsuren — 77
The article describes the creation of the modern Mongolian writer T. Yumsuren using his storybook “Irves”.
The writer follows here his main topic — morality and psychology of human relations. High moral values for him
are not just words. The author is committed to a realistic manner of literature.
Key words: snow leopard, contemporary prose, psychology, allegory.
S. N. Tsedenova. On the relationship between Mongolian and Kalmyk literatures — 80
Questions of interrelations of the Mongolian and Kalmyk literatures are considered in this article. Literary and
cultural ties of the Mongolian and Kalmyk people have an ancient history. Basis of these ancient and close interrelations
is the community of history and culture of two people as ancient cultures? The mythology of Mongols and
Kalmyks are reached by the general source.
Key words: Mongolian literature, Kalmyk literature, folklore, written monuments, interrelations of literatures,
A. D. Tsendina. Two rare Mongolian manuscripts, including the prayer dMigs brtse ma — 83
The article describes two manuscripts in the Mongolian about one of the most popular prayers to Tsongkhapa,
the Creator of the Gelug scool (1357—1419).
Key words: Tibetan literature, Mongolian literature, Tibetan prayer dMig brtse ma.
N. S. Yakhontova. “Rays of the Moon” Dictionary — One of the Sources for Sumatiratna’s Tibetan-Mongolian Dictionary — 88
In the result of comparing poetical expressions from Tibetan alphabetical dictionary “Rays of the Moon” written
in mngon brjod tradition it becomes evident that this dictionary is one of the sources for the famous alphabetical
Tibetan-Mongolian dictionary “Lamp scattering the darkness” by R. Nomtoev (Sumatiratna) though in the
colophon of the latter dictionary “The Rays of the Moon” is not mentioned among the dictionaries used for its
Key words: Tibetan-Mongolian dictionaries, poetic expression (synonyms), Sumatiratna’s Dictionary, Sanskrit
literary tradition.
L. S. Dampilova. International conference “Epics of the peoples of the world: problems and prospects of comparative” — 94
Tumenbayaryn Bum-Erdene. Duynger (translated by N. Karpunina ed. by L. G. Skorodumova) — 97
Information about the authors — 103
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