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Alekseev V.M. The Academic Study of the Orient. Papers and Documents [Наука о Востоке. Статьи и документы]. Editorial Board: M.V.Bankovskaya, L.N.Menshikov, V.V.Petrov, N.T.Fedorenko, L.Z.Eidlin. Moscow: Nauka GRVL Publishers 1982. 535 p.


Editors’ notes


1.1. Sergei Feodorovich Oldenburg as the leading authority of Russian Orientalists; Appendix 1. Extracts from the V.M. Alekseev’s letters to S.F.Oldenburg; Appendix 2. Report on S.F. Oldenburg as an connoisseur on the Chinese culture

1.2. N.Ya. Marr. On characteristic features of a scholar and university figure

1.3. N.Ya. Marr in my memoirs

1.4. In memoriam of Academician B.Ya. Vladimirtsov; Appendix 1. Academician Boris Yakovlevich Vladimirtsov; Appendix 2. Extracts from a letter to F.A. Rosenberg

1.5. Academician I.Yu. Krachkovsky. Preface and dedication; Appendix 1. Extracts from letters to I.Yu. Krachkovsky; Appendix 2. On our scientist of the world renown

1.6. Academician V.P. Vasiliev. Notes on scientific work and heritage (On the 50th anniversary of his death); Appendix 1. Professor V.P. Vassiliev

1.7. In memoriam of Professor Edouard Chavannes; Appendix 1. Letter to V.A. Zhukovsky; Appendix 2. Collège de France

1.8. European Sinology at Edouard Chavannes’s grave-site

1.9. A note by the undersigned on Professor N.A. Nevsky’s proposed election to the Academy of Sciences of the USSR; Appendix 1. Letter to N.A. Nevsky; Appendix 2. Comments on N.A. Nevsky’s works

1.10. A note on the academic work of Professor Sinologist Yulian Konstantinovich Schutsky; Appendix 1. Comments on Yu.K. Schutsky’s translation of Bapuo; Appendix 2. To the A.N. Veselovsky Academic Research Institute; Appendix 3. Letter to N.Ya. Marr; Appendix 4. Memorandum on Yu.K. Schutsky, academic researcher of the 2nd degree, proposing his candidacy for an authoritative academic qualification; Appendix 5. Postscript to the Yu.K. Schutsky’s application concerning his mission to China and Japan for the purchase of books for the Asiatic Museum; Appendix 6. Application addressed to the Director of the Asiatic Museum of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR by V.M. Alekseev, the senior academic curator of the Asiatic Museum; Appendix 7. Note on Yu.K. Schutsky

1.11. In memoriam of the Soviet Sinologists perished during the Leningrad blockade

1.11.1. Leonid Nikolaevich Rudov; Appendix. From The references on the members of the Chinese cabinet. April 3, 1938

1.11.2. Konstantin Konstantinovich Floog; Appendix 1. Note to the administration of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR; Appendix 2. Review of comrade K.K. Floog’s article From the History of the Chinese Book; Appendix 3. From The references on the members of Chinese cabinet. April 3, 1938

1.11.3. Konstantin Ivanovich Razumovsky; Appendix 1. An application addressed to the Director of the State Hermitage; Appendix 2. Review of comrade K.I. Razumovsky’s work The Chinese Theory of Portrait; Appendix 3. Notes on the K.I. Razumovsky’s dissertation The Chinese Theory of Portrait

1.11.4. Vsevolod Nikolaevich Kazin

1.11.5. Yuri Vladimirovich Bunakov

1.11.6. Viktor Moritzevich Stein; To the dear hero of the day and all others; Appendix 1. From The references on the members of the Chinese cabinet. April 3, 1938Appendix 2. From The notes on the Soviet Sinology; Appendix 3. Review of Professor V.M. Stein’s study ’Guan-zi’. The political and Economical Treatise of Ancient China. Analysis and Translation. Part I-II. 1947


2.1. Soviet Sinology: I. The academic research on China before and after the Great October Socialist Revolution. II. New audience, new reader, new cadre, new programmes and tasks. III. Science and life at new stages. New cadre. IV. Centre and periphery. V. The problems Sinology faced during the first years after the revolution. VI. Media and publishing houses. VII. The revision of the concept of Sinology, its platforms and attitude. VIII. Doubts and debates. Sinologist type differentiation. IX. The Sinologist-bilinguist. X. The propagation of science and the academic organization of the Sinological work. XI. The recording and use of academic heritage. XII. Struggle against exotics. XIII. Bibliographical studies and information. XIV. Dictionaries and the theory of dictionary. XV. New Institutes and associations in Leningrad. XVI. Moscow organizations. XVII. New programmes, new introductions into academic research, new differentiations. XVIII. Economics of new China. New aims and specialists. The problem of Sinological economics and approaches to its solution. XIX. The history of Chinese revolutionary movements. XX. New postrevolutionary China as an object of study. The essence of the problem and the ways to its solution. XXI. The latinization of the Chinese written language. XXII. The history of China and its problems in studies and teaching. Chinese materials and Chinese theories. XXIII. Historical archeology. XXIV. Geography. Travels. XXV. Studies of different countries. Manchuria, Middle Asia in the academic studies of Sinologists. Neighboring countries. XXVI. The Chinese culture in old and postrevolutionary China. XXVII. Chinese revolution and literary revolution. XXVIII. Antique literature. Poetry. Poetics. XXIX. Old prose (guwen). Novelettes. XXX. The theory of translation. Experiments. XXXI. Art. Painting. Folk picture. XXXII. Chinese Theatre. XXXIII. Chinese music. XXXIV. Chinese mode of life. XXXV. Ideology of China. Philosophy. XXXVI. Confucianism. XXXVII. Confucian classics in translations, codifications and studies. XXXVIII. Studies in Buddhism. XXXIX. Daoist authors and Daosism. XL. Folk religions of China. XLI. Folklore. XLII. Ethnography. XLIII. Law. XLIV. Chinese sciences other than historical, philosophical, and philological. Sinological service and the problem of the new specialists. XLV. Chinese language. Introductory disciplines, syntheses, new theories, and studies. XLVI. Chinese grammar and experiments in its new structures. XLVII. Manuals of the Chinese language. XLVIII. Exegetical phonetics and descriptive phonetics; phonetics on teaching. XLIX. Dialectology of China and of the Soviet Far East. L. Hieroglyphic writing. LI. Soviet Sinology during the Great Patriotic War. LII. Summary.

2.2. Sinology in University courses: I. Schools of Sinologists. The first school. Its academic program. II. The practical program of the first school. III. The evaluation of the first school’s achievements. IV. The successors of the Vasiliev’s school. V. The role of the founder. VI. The faults of the first school. VII. New times. VIII. New (the second) school. IX. New curricula. X. New methods in teaching. XI. The program of study of classical literature. XII. Postclassical literature. XIII. ‘Amusement’ literature. XIV. Historical literature. XV. Philosophical literature and other literatures. XVI. New China in the programs of the new school. XVII. New audiences. XVIII. Comparative studies of two schools. XIX. Main faults of the second school. XX. Education guides and manuals of self-instruction. XXI. Perspectives and hopes. XXII. Summary; Appendix 1. Sinological philology at Petrograd University; Appendix 2. Sinology at our University

2.3. The Orient and Oriental Science

2.4. Articles, notes and reports on Orientalistic activities

2.4.1. To Academician S.F. Oldenburg, Permanent Secretary of the Academy of Sciences

2.4.2. An application addressed to the Permanent Secretary about my projects

2.4.3. A report on the work of the Chinese cabinet of the Institute of Oriental Studies (1931)

2.4.4. A report on the work of the Chinese cabinet of the Institute of Oriental Studies (1934)

2.4.5. An application addressed to the Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies

2.4.6. Bibliographical courses at the Institute of Oriental Studies

2.4.7. The collective body and individual work

2.4.8. A note on compiling The History of the Chinese Literature by the Sinologists of the Institute of Oriental Studies

2.4.9. Yield the way to an Orientalist!

2.4.10. For the union of Orientalists (from our May 1 slogans)

2.4.11. The Sinologists of the Institute of Oriental Studies celebrate May 1

2.4.12. The Orientalists of our Institute

2.4.13. The Sinologists of the Leningrad Institute of Oriental Studies for 10 year-period

2.4.14. On methodological achievements of the Chinese department of the Leningrad Institute of Oriental Studies during 11 years; Appendix New ways of the Chinese department

2.4.15. To the Director of the Russian Public Library, Academician Nikolai Yakovlevich Marr. Memorandum of a Library consultant, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor V.M. Alekseev

2.4.16. Background material to the Note on establishing of the Institute of Literary Translators and Translators-Experts with the affiliated Courses of foreign languages at the State Public Library

2.4.17. Annual report on the activity of the expert College at the Oriental Department of the World Literature (April 28, 1919 - April 29, 1920)

2.4.18. On the publication of the East journal

2.4.19. On the publication of literary almanac of the peoples of the East

2.4.20. The Artistic and Literary East

2.4.21. Public lectures on the East delivered at the University

2.4.22. Academic science in Leningrad and its audience


3.1. Autobiography of a Sinologst, Vasily Mikhailovich Alekseev, lecturer of Petrograd University, a junior academic curator of the Asiatic Museum of the Academy of Sciences

3.2. Three reports on visits to China in 1906-09

3.3. Before and now. The life of a Russian and Soviet Sinologist

3.4. A student at the turn of two centuries. From my University recollections (1898-1902); Appendix 1. In memoriam of Vasily Petrovich Safronov; Appendix 2. In memoriam of D.A. Peschurov; Appendix 3. Vladimir Lyudvigovich Kotvich

3.5. Russian postgraduate student of Sinology at the turn of the 20th century (1902-09)

3.6. How I have studied and presently study China

3.7. From the life of an old Russian Sinologist

3.8. Perspectives of a Sinologist

3.9. Dao tung, collected articles on Sinology by Professor V.M. Alekseev

3.10. Lecture tour of a Russian Sinologist to England

3.11. Chinese culture in Russia and in the USSR

3.12. Exotics in the philological research

3.13. Emotions of an Orientalist

3.14. Aphorisms of mine


4.1. Review of L.N. Lebedev’s medal-winning composition ‘Zhungyung’ in Translation and Interpretation

4.2. Objections to O.O. Rosenberg at the defense of his Master’s thesis Introduction to the Studies of Buddhism after Japanese and Chinese Sources. Part I. Lexicographical Guide. Part II. Problems of Buddhist Philosophy

4.3. Hu Shih (Suh Hu)… - The Development of the Logical Method in Ancient China (Xian Qin ming xue shi). The Oriental Book Co. Shanghai, 1922; Appendix. Crisis in Sinology. (In connection with the book of Hu Shih (Sun Hu). – The Development of the Logical Method in Ancient China (Xian Qin ming xue shi). The Oriental Book Co. Shanghai, 1922

4.4. Arthur Waley. The Temple and other poems, translated by. London 1923, p. 151; Appendix. The Dispute of English Sinologists

4.5. Review of a qualification paper by B.A. Vasiliev Confucian Influence in the Novel ‘Shui hu’

4.6. Comments on the book by B.A. Vasiliev Foreign Influences in the Chinese Fiction in the Age of Imperialism

4.7. Comments on the dissertation published as a monograph by Yu.K. Schutsky The Chinese Classical ‘Book of Changes’


L.Z. Eidlin. Alekseev and Oriental Studies

List of Abbreviations


Index of Names

Index of Chinese and Japanese Names

Index of Books, Works, Magazines and Publishing Houses

Index of Terms, Words and Expressions

Index of Place Names

Index of Houses and Mottoes of Years They Ruled


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