Keichū. Wajishoransho [Кэйтю. Вадзисёрансё (Исправление царящего в нашей азбуке беспорядка)]. Introduction, translation from Japanese, notes by K.G.Marandjian. Moscow: Nauka — Vostocnaya Literatura, 2015. 158 p. (Pamyatniki pis'mennosti Vostoka, CXXXIX). ISBN 978-5-02-036584-1.
The Tokugawa period in Japan was “a Great Epoch of Philology”
when efforts of scholars of different modes and trends of thought were
concentrated in the sphere of language studies (in the broad sense). The
period from the 17th to mid-19th centuries witnessed an unprecedented
boom in language and literary studies — its scale was comparable to the
processes that took place in Europe where knowledge of ancient (and
sometimes contemporary) languages of Middle and Far East reached the
level of the Renaissance epoch knowledge of Greek and Latin. The only
difference was that, in Japan, the interest was chiefly directed to its native,
old Japanese language...
The 7th International Conference “The cultural heritage of the Mongols: manuscript and archival collections” under the patronage of the President of Mongolia will be held on April 21‒22, 2025.