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Karine Genrikhovna

Senior Researcher at the IOM RAS
Candidate of Sciences (equiv. Ph.D.) - History
(21.06.1956 — 01.08.2021)
Born in 1956 in Yerevan.

In 1978 graduated from the Leningrad State University, the Department of Oriental Studies, the secton of History of Japan.

1978-1982 - doctoral student at the Institute of Oriental Studies, the Leningrad Branch, the USSR Academy of Sciences.

1982-1992 - junior researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies, the Leningrad Branch, the USSR Academy of Sciences.

In 1986 defended the Ph.D. dissertation entitled The Confucian Treatises of Ogyu Sorai “Bendo” and “Benmei”.

1991-1992 - Japan Foundation Fellowship (6 months, the Hosei University, Tokyo); Sophia University Fellowship. The Institute of Comparative Culture (6 months, Tokyo).

From 1992 up to January 2021 - Researcher, Senior Researcher at the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies / Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, the Russian Academy of Sciences.

2005 - University 7, Paris, France. Visiting Professor. 1 month.

2006 - International Baltic Academy, Riga, Latvia. Visiting Professor.

Teaching experience

1992-2003 - Institutio Orientalis (St. Petersburg). Japanese Department (courses on Japanese history, Intellectual History of Tokugawa Japan, Classical Japanese language).

From 2003 - St. Petersburg Arts and Culture University (Japanese language).

From 2006 - St. Petersburg University, Philological Department (courses on Religion and Culture in Japan, Japanese Culture-through-language Studies).

Publications ( the entire list as a *.pdf file)


[Review:] Catalogue of Japanese Manuscripts and Rare Books. Merete Pedersen. The Royal Library, Copenhagen, Denmark. Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts, Xylographs, etc. in Danish Collections (COMDC), by Karine Marandjian // Written Monuments of the Orient. 1(5), 2017. P. 95–97.


Marandjian K. New Acquisition of the Japanese Manuscript and Wood-block Printed Books Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS // Written Monuments of the Orient. 1(1), 2015. P. 98–107.

Keichū. Wajishoransho [Кэйтю. Вадзисёрансё (Исправление царящего в нашей азбуке беспорядка)]. Introduction, translation from Japanese, notes by K.G.Marandjian. Moscow: Nauka — Vostocnaya Literatura, 2015. 158 p. (Pamyatniki pis'mennosti Vostoka, CXXXIX). ISBN 978-5-02-036584-1.


Yamaori Tetsuo. Japanese Face. Culture Seen in the Light of Iconography [Ямаори Тэцуо. Лицо: Портрет и культура Японии], - tr. from Japanese by K.Maranjian. St Petersburg, Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie Publishers 2011. 160 p.


Japanese Mosaic. In memoriam of Professor V. N. Goregliad [Японская мозаика: сборник статей памяти профессора В. Н. Горегляда]. Ed. by A.M.Kabanov & K.G.Maranjian. St Petersburg, Giperion Publishers 2009.


Памяти профессора В.Н.Горегляда: Аннотированный биобиблиографический указатель / Авторы-составители: Головина К.В., Копылова К.Н. Авторы вступительных статей К.Г.Маранджян, В.В.Рыбин. СПб.: «Геликон Плюс», 2003. 96 с.


Хрестоматия по истории японской литературы: В 2 т. / Составл. М.В.Торопыгиной и К.Г.Маранджян. Т. 1. Художественная проза Х-Х1Х вв. СПб.: «Гиперион», 2001. 216 с.

Хрестоматия по истории японской литературы: В 2 т. / Составл. М.В.Торопыгиной и К.Г.Маранджян. Т. 2. Художественная проза середины ХIХ-ХХ вв. СПб.: Гиперион, 2001. 268 с.

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