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Translations from Chinese

Akao E. Reexamining the Manuscript Fragments of a Prayer SI-3119/2 + SI-3119/1 // Talking about Dunhuang on the Riverside of the Neva / 涅瓦河邊談敦煌. Ed. by TAKATA Tokio / 高田時雄編. Institute for Research in Humanities Kyoto University / 京都大學人文科學研究所 2012. P. 51—57.

Beijing During the Qing Dynasty: Pictures of Folklife (min-su hua) [Цинский Пекин. Картины народной жизни (миньсухуа)]. Introduction, translation from Chinese, notes by I.F.Popova. St Petersburg, Slaviya Publishers 2009. 248 p.

Huan K'uan. Debate on Salt and Iron (Yen ti'eh lun). [Хуань Куань. Спор о соли и железе (Янь те лунь)]. In 2 vol. Tr. from Chinese, with introduction, notes and appendices by Yu.L.Kroll. Moscow, Vostochnaya Literatura Publishers 2001. 407 p. (Pamyatniki pismennosti Vostoka. СХХV, 1).

Huan K'uan. Debate on Salt and Iron (Yen ti'eh lun). [Хуань Куань. Спор о соли и железе (Янь те лунь)]. Vol. 1. Tr. from Chinese, with introduction and notes by Yu.L.Kroll. St Petersburg, Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie Publishers 1997. 416 p. (Orientala).

Pai yü ching (The Sūtra of a Hundred Parables) [Бай юй цзин (Сутра ста притч)]. Tr. from Chinese, with notes by I.S.Gurevich. Introduction and tr. of poetical fragments by L.N.Menshikov. Moscow, Nauka, 1986. 128 p. (Pamyatniki pismennosti Vostoka, LXXVI).

Popova I. Remarks on the Documents SI 0/32 (4112) and Дх-18923 of the IOM RAS Collection // Talking about Dunhuang on the Riverside of the Neva / 涅瓦河邊談敦煌. Ed. by TAKATA Tokio / 高田時雄編. Institute ror Research in Humanities Kyoto University / 京都大學人文科學研究所 2012. P. 21—38.

Popova I. Tang Political Treatise from Dunhuang: “Heavenly Instructions” (Tian xun) // Studies in Chinese Manuscripts from the Warring States Period to the 20th Century. Ed. by Imre Galambos. Budapest: Institute of East Asian Studies, Eötvös Loránd University, 2013. P. 59-79. (Buddhist Monographs Asian Series, Series Editor Imre Hamar.)

Zograph I.T. Mongolian-Chinese Interference. The Official Language of Yuan China [Монгольско-китайская интерференция (язык монгольской канцелярии в Китае)]. Moscow, Nauka, 1984.

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