Huan K'uan. Debate on Salt and Iron (Yen ti'eh lun). [Хуань Куань. Спор о соли и железе (Янь те лунь)]. In 2 vol. Tr. from Chinese, with introduction, notes and appendices by Yu.L.Kroll. Moscow, Vostochnaya Literatura Publishers 2001. 407 p. (Pamyatniki pismennosti Vostoka. СХХV, 1).
Yen t'ieh lun (Debate on Salt and Iron) was composed by the Confucian Huan K'uan approximately in the second or the beginning of the third quarter of the 1st century BCE. It is one of the most important Former Han treatises, an inexhaustible source of information on philosophy, political, economic and social history as well as culture of the period. In spite of this it was studied rather insufficiently. Till now it was translated fully only into Japanes and but partially into English, French and Russian. Its present full translation into Russian is intended to fill the gap...
The IOM RAS Academic Council will meet at 14:00 on Wednesday, January 31, 2024. The meeting commemorates the 80th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi siege.