(玄 幸子/Hyun Haengja)
GEN Yukiko
2005/04 up to present – Professor at KANSAI University, Graduate school and Institute of foreign language education and research;
teaching Chinese language and coordinating the program of teaching Chinese through the entirety of KANSAI University. teaching several courses on Chinese linguistics and history of Chinese language for students in graduate school; researching on diachronic analysis of colloquial Chinese as a member of the Language Culture research group, Institute of Oriental and Occidental Studies.
1996–2005 - Associate Professor at NIIGATA University, Faculty of Humanities; taught Asian Culture courses on Chinese linguistics and history of Chinese language for students belong to Department and graduate school.
1988–1996 - Lecturer, taught Chinese language at KANSAI University, Osaka City University, Hannan University, Doshisya University, Nara Women's University, Outemon University, etc.
1985–1988 - Nara Women's University, Graduate school of Humanities and Sciences,School of Comparative Culture, ABD.
1983–1985 - Nara Women's University, Department of Culture and Humanities, Master in Chinese Linguistics; Advisor: Professor Yosiki Matsuo; Thesis title: On V-DE(得) in Dunhuang Bianwen.
1978–1982 - Osaka City University, Faculty of Letters; B.A in Chinese Linguistics; Thesis title: Palatalisation observed in “Chongkan Lao Qida Yanjie(重刊老乞大諺解)”― on“ji(給).”
Academic Society Memberships
The Chinese Language Society of Japan(regent)
The Sinological Society of Japan
International Association of Chinese Linguistics etc (life member), etc.
( the entire list as a *.pdf file) [2012]
再論《新菩薩經》、《勸善經》以及《救諸衆生(一切)苦難經》—以Дх05155爲線索. 玄幸子 (GEN Yukiko. Re-examination of the Xin pusa jing, the Quanshan jing and the Jiu zhuzhongsheng (yiqie) kunan jing using the manuscript Дх05155 as the key to understanding the problem) // Talking about Dunhuang on the Riverside of the Neva / 涅瓦河邊談敦煌. Ed. by TAKATA Tokio / 高田時雄編. Institute for Research in Humanities Kyoto University / 京都大學人文科學研究所 2012. P. 91-109.
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