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The Structure of the IOM Print E-mail

— The Structure of the IOM —


Academiс Divisions

  • The Department of Ancient Eastern Studies
  • The Department of Central Asian and South Asian Studies
    1) The Section of Central Asian Studies
    2) The Section of South Asian Studies
  • The Department of Far Eastern Studies
  • The Department of Manuscripts and Documents
    The Serindia Laboratory
  • The Department of Middle Eastern and Near Eastern Studies
    1) The Section of Middle Eastern Studies
    2) The Section of Near Eastern Studies
  • The Academic Library

Doctoral and Postdoctoral Programs

The Dissertation Council

The Academic Council (list of members of the Council)

The Council of Young Scholars

Our Address and Contact Information


— Administration —

Prof Dr Irina F. Popova, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences 
Phone + 7 (812) 315-87-28, fax +7 (812) 312-14-65

Deputy Director for Academic Affairs:
Dr Tatiana A. Pang
Phone + 7 (812) 315-87-19, fax +7 (812) 312-14-65

Deputy Director for Administrative Affairs:
Igor N. Filatov
Phone + 7 (812) 571-80-60

Academic Secretary:
Dr Elena V. Tanonova
Phone/fax +7 (812) 312-14-65

Academic Secretary of the Dissertation Council:
Dr Serguei A. Frantsouzoff

Academic Secretary for International Relations:
Ekaterina V. Gusarova
Phone +7 (812) 571-66-60, fax +7 (812) 312-14-65


— Academic Divisions —

The Department of Ancient Eastern Studies
Phone +7 (812) 571-54-55 
Dr Irina F. Popova
Temporary Head of the Department

Current staff:

Dr Ivan V. Bogdanov, leading researcher
Dr Inna N. Medvedskaya, leading researcher
Dr Marat M. Yunusov, researcher
Aleksei I. Yankovsky, researcher
Maxim V. Fionin, junior researcher, academic secretary

History of the Department
When the Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies was established in 1956, there was no Department of Ancient Eastern Studies. However, there was a group of scholars of relevant disciplines that included I.M. Diakonoff, I.M. Dunaevskaya, V.A. Livshits, A.G. Perikhanian and S.M. Batsieva (later to become an Arabist). More...

The Department of Central Asian and South Asian Studies
Phone +7 (812) 315-87-19
Dr Tatiana D. Skrynnikova
Head of the Department, chief researcher

1. The Section of Central Asian Studies
Phone +7 (812) 571-54-55
Dr Irina V. Kulganek
Head of the Section

Current staff:

Dr Natalia S. Yakhontova, senior researcher
Dr Natalia V. Yampolskaya, senior researcher, academic secretary
Mark A. Kozintsev, junior researcher

History of the Section
When the Institute of Oriental Studies (now the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts) was established in 1930, there were three departments for Turkic and Mongolian studies: the Turkic Department, Central Asian Department and Mongolian Department. In 1956, the Department of Turkic and Mongolian Studies was formed on their basis. Acad. A.N. Kononov served as its Chairman from 1956 to 1964. He was succeeded by the current Chairman Dr S.G. Klyashtornyj.  More...

2. The Section of South Asian Studies
Phone +7 (812) 571-66-60
Dr Helen P. Ostrovskaya
Head of the Section

Current staff:

Dr Serge L. Burmistrov, leading researcher
Dr Tatiana V. Ermakova, leading researcher
Dr Vladimir P. Ivanov, senior researcher
Dr Evgeniya A. Desnitskaya, researcher

History of the Section
In February 1956, when the Leningrad/St. Petersburg’s branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR/Russian Academy of Sciences was organised, a ‘Team of Indologists’ was formed, which was later reorganised as the ‘Indian Cabinet’, in October of the same year. The Team and the Cabinet were headed by the eminent Indologist and linguist V.M.Beskrovny. After he moved to Moscow (in 1961), the Cabinet was headed by Sanskrit scholar V.I.Kalianov (1908–2001), and after 1968, by the renowned researcher of New Indian languages G.A. Zograf (1928-1993). In 1978, the ‘Indian Cabinet’ was merged with the ‘Group of South Eastern Asian Studies’ headed by E.A.Zapadova (1938-1991). This resulted in the ‘Department of South and South Eastern Asian Studies’, with G.A. Zograf as its head. After his death in 1993, Y.V.Vassilkov was appointed head of the Department, a post he occupied until 2005. The Department has been run by M.I.Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya since 2005. More...

The Department of Far Eastern Studies
Phone +7 (812) 571-66-60
Dr Tatiana A. Pang
Head of the Department

Current staff:

Dr Viacheslav M. Rybakov, chief researcher
Dr Raisa N. Krapivina, chief researcher
Dr Julia V. Boltach, senior researcher
Dr Vasily V. Shchepkin, senior researcher, academic secretary
Dr Anton E. Terekhov, researcher 
Dr Olga A. Bonch-Osmolovskaya, junior researcher

History of the Department
The Department of Far Eastern Studies acquired its current form in 2003 with the merger of three of the Institute’s units: the Department of Far Eastern Studies headed by K.G. Maranjian, the Department of Historiography of China and Central Asia headed by A.S. Martynov and the Group of Far Eastern Textology headed by L.N. Menshikov. Before 2003, there had been numerous reforms of the Department that are outlined below. More...

The Department of Manuscripts and Documents
Phone +7 (812) 571-80-88

Prof Dr Irina F. Popova, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Head of the Department

Current staff:

Dr Dmitry A. Nosov, researcher, academic secretary
Dr Svetlana S. Sabrukova, senior researcher
Dr Alexey Yu. Lushchenko, researcher
Liubov I. Kriakina, leading conservator
Elizaveta S. Ozernova, senior conservator
Kristina V. Korostelyova, conservator
Natalia V. Zakharova, photographer
Lyudmila P. Petrova, assistant researcher
Oksana V. Shkarina, assistant researcher

History of the Department
The collection of ancient and medieval Oriental manuscripts and books began in Russia as early as the reign of Peter the Great. In 1818, the Asiatic Museum of the Academy of Sciences, the first academic institution of its kind in Russia, was founded as a natural extension of these collections. Scholars, as well as travelers, diplomats, missionaries and merchants, have consistently made contributions to the collection since the founding of the Asiatic Museum. More...

The Archives of the Orientalists
Phone +7 (812) 571-94-96

List of collections


The Archives of the Orientalists at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts maintains a rich collection of papers left by former generations of Russian scholars who studied every possible Orientalist discipline. Many unique papers on history, culture, languages of hundreds of peoples are arranged into one hundred and fifty sets of records. The Archive contains a large number of unpublished monographs (both drafts and completed works), short academic papers, notes, excerpts, synopses, lists, vocabularies, maps, theses, accounts of conferences and sessions of academic societies. It also includes a many official documents such as protocol statements, prescripts and decisions. Epistolary heritage and the collection of photos are also sufficiently extensive. More...

The Serindia Laboratory

Current staff:

Kirill M. Bogdanov, researcher
Dr Olga M. Chunakova, leading researcher
Artiom V. Mesheznikov, junior researcher
Dr Safarali Kh. Shomakhmadov, senior researcher
Dr Elena V. Tanonova, researcher
Viacheslav P. Zaytsev, researcher

The Department of Middle Eastern and Near Eastern Studies
Phone +7 (812) 315-87-19
Dr Serguei A. Frantsouzoff
Head of the Department 

1. The Section of Middle Eastern Studies
Phone +7 (812) 571-54-55 

Current staff:

Dr Youli A. Ioannesyan, leading researcher
Dr Alexey A. Khismatulin, leading researcher

History of the Section

The Department of Middle Eastern Studies was established in autumn 1956. Up until 1978, it was called the Iranian Department. It was headed by I.P. Petrushevsky (1956–1959), M.N. Bogolyubov (1960–1961), G.V. Shitov (1961–1963), Z.N. Vorozheikina (1963–1971) and O.F. Akimushkin (from 1971).  More...

2. The Section of Near Eastern Studies
Phone +7 (812) 571-66-60

Current staff:

Dr Alexander L. Khosroyev, chief researcher
Dr Alexander G. Grushevoi, senior researcher
Dr Ekaterina V. Gusarova, researcher, academic secretary

History of the Section
In 1957, the Academic Council of the Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies (now the Institute for the Study of Oriental Manuscripts) decided that the structure of the Branch should consist of five principal departments, one of them being the Arabic Department headed by V.I.Belyayev. At that time, there were seven researchers at the department. However, there was also a group of Semitic Studies (including Syriology and Hebraic Studies) that was reorganised into the Department of Near Eastern Studies the following year, headed by the corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences N.V.Pigulevskaya. In 1978, the structure of the Institute was reformed and the two departments were merged into the Department of Near Eastern Studies with A.B. Khalidov as its chairman. The staff of the Department also included an Iranist, Y.E.Borshchevsky, and a researcher on the Caucasus, K.N.Yuzbashian. More...

The Academic Library
Irina O. Volkova
Head of the Library
Phone +7 (812) 571-62-39

Current staff:

Svetlana A. Kuznetsova, chief librarian
Larissa V. Oryol, chief librarian

The Library was founded in 1818 as the basis of the Asiatic Museum (AM). It included the books transferred from the Kunstkamera and the Library of the Academy of Sciences (all in all more than 400 volumes) on history, philosophy, geography, religion, the languages of the countries of the East and related humanitarian disciplines. The first Director of the AM and, at the same time, its chief librarian was the well-known Arabist acad. Christian-Martin von Frähn (1782-1851). Later the Library of the AM became the largest storehouse of the academic literature on all aspects of Oriental studies. Originally the Library was replenished due to private donations, gifts of foreign and Russian scholars, and purchases of various collections of relevant books. There was also a practice of exchange of the books with foreign establishments and scholars. More...


— Doctoral and Postdoctoral Programs —

Dr Sergei L. Burmistrov
Phone +7 (812) 315-87-28

History and general information: In Russian

To whom it may concern: The admittance to the postgraduate study is obtained by Masters of Arts on the basis of the passing through the exams in basic disciplines. To be admitted one must have a diploma about the academic courses taken in Oriental studies. Knowledge of at least one Eastern language is necessary. Term of the internal postgraduate study is 3-4 years. More...


— Our Address and Contact Information —

Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Asiatic Museum)

Address: Russian Federation, 191181, Saint Petersburg, Dvortsovaya emb., 18

Phone: +7 (812) 315-87-28
Fax: +7 (812) 315-14-65

Please note that our postal code changed in July 2024. On any correspondence addressed to the Institute, please write the new postal code 191181 instead of 191186. If the old postal code is shown in the contact information at the bottom of the pages on our website, it is necessary to refresh the page in the browser where this is observed in order to load the updated information.



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