Structure of the IOM Doctoral and Postdoctoral Programs |
02/08/2005 |
— Doctoral and Postdoctoral Programs — (to whom it may concern)
Sergei L. Burmistrov curator, Ph.D. tel. +7 (812) 3158728 e-mail:; The admittance to the postgraduate study is obtained by Masters of Arts on the basis of the passing through the exams in basic disciplines. These are the areas of post-graduate study: - 07.00.03 – General history
- 07.00.09 – Historiography
- 09.00.13 – Philosophy and history of religion, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of culture
- 10.01.02 – Literature of peoples of the Russian Federation 10.01.03 – Literature of peoples of the foreign countries
- 10.01.09 – Folklore studies
- 10.02.02 – Languages of peoples of the Russian Federation
- 10.02.22 – languages of peoples of the countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, natives of America and Australia.
Regions of research: the Near East, Middle East, Far East, Central Asia. Receipt of documentation: 1-31st of August. Exams taken: September-October. Date of admittance: 1st of November. To be admitted one must have a diploma about the academic courses taken in Oriental studies. Knowledge of at least one Eastern language is necessary. Term of the internal postgraduate study is 3-4 years. Required documents: - a copy of the diploma
- a paper on the chosen specialty
- a letter of reference
- 3 photos (3´4 sm) 5. a full copy of the passport
Annual fee for the citizens of foriegn countries - from $4,000. |
Last Updated ( 25/02/2014 )