Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya M. An Illustrated Copy of a Georgian Translation of “Kalila and Dimna” // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 6. No. 2. June 2000. P. 58—68.
The first Georgian manuscript was brought to Russia in 1773. This unique manuscript is, in essence, an entire collection of materials on the history of Georgia. The copyist entitled the collection A Small ‘Life of Georgia’. The manuscript was given as a gift to the Russian Academy of Sciences by Academician J. Güldenstedt. In 1818, when the Asiatic Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences was formed, this manuscript was among the first items in the manuscript collection of the Museum, which later constituted the base for the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies holdings. Subsequently, the number of Georgian manuscripts increased, and at present the collection contains some 500 manuscripts in the Georgian language; earlier they belonged to Georgian and Russian scholars and bibliophiles and were given to the Academy of Sciences.
Two manuscripts of Kalila and Dimna, represented in this Georgian collection, occupy a special place. Like other items in this collection, both entered it as gifts. One manuscript M53 is from the collection of M. Brosset; the second was presented to the Asiatic Museum in 1839 by a corrector at the Synodal printing-press in Moscow, the bibliophile Pyotr Ivanovich Kebadze. We do not discuss manuscript M53 here, although it is of considerable interest for the history of translations of Kalila and Dimna into Georgian. Our concern is the second manuscript (call number P2), which contains a completed version of the text present in manuscript M53. What is particularly interesting with regard to this manuscript is that, as we know, it was ordered from copyists and artists by the Georgian King Vakhtang VI (1675—1737) as a display manuscript. So far, a facsimile copy of this manuscript has not been published. The present article is devoted to this manuscript…
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Ключевые слова «Калила и Димна» коллекция ИВР РАН: факсимиле рукописи грузинские
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