Lundysheva O. A fragment of a Tocharian B text concerning the conversion of "Uruvilvā-Kāśyapa" // Written Monuments of the Orient. No. 1(11), 2020. P. 56—70.
This article is a publication of two fragments of a Tocharian B manuscripts
kept in the Petrovsky sub-collection of the Serindian Collection of the IOM RAS with a
text of Buddhist content related to the conversion of Uruvilvā-Kāśyapa. The article
provides transliteration and transcription of the text, as well as the provisional translation.
Assumptions are made regarding the Sanskrit and Tocharian B literature parallels.
The 3rd International Academic Conference “The Written Heritage of the Orient” dedicated to the 140th anniversary of B.Ya. Vladimirtsov (1884–1931) will take place at the IOM RAS on April 22–24. The conference program is now available.