Lundysheva O. Tocharian B Manuscripts in the Berezovsky Collection (2): Five More Fragments // Written Monuments of the Orient. No. 1(9), 2019. P. 49—78.
This article is a full edition of five Tocharian B manuscripts kept in the Berezovsky
sub-collection of the Serindia Collection of the IOM, RAS: two Sanskrit-Tocharian
В Bilingual Udānavarga fragments (Uv. 1.26b–1.34a, Uv. 4.23b–4.34c); a Sanskrit-
Tocharian В Bilingual Karmavācanā (Upasaṃpadā) fragment, one fragment of a jātaka
and one fragment of a stotra previously erroneously identified as Udānastotra. The
article contains a transliteration, transcription, tentative translation as well as a commentary
on the text of the fragments.
On February 19, 2025, the IOM RAS will host the annual Iranological Conference in memory of O. F. Akimushkin. The program of the Conference is now available.