Zorin A.V., Mitruev B.L., Sabrukova S.S., Sizova A.A. The Catalogue of Texts of the Tibetan Buddhist Canon Kept at the Institute of
Oriental Manuscripts, RAS. Vol. 1: Bka’ ’gyur and Bstan ’gyur [Каталог сочинений тибетского буддийского канона из собрания ИВР
РАН. Вып. 1: Кагьюр и Тэнгьюр]. Ed. by A.V.Zorin. Photos by A.A.Sizova. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Centre for Oriental Studies Publishers 2017. 512 p. ISBN 978-5-85803-506-0 (Вып. 1)
The collection of Tibetan block prints and manuscripts kept at the Institute of Oriental
Manuscripts, the Russian Academy of Sciences, is one of the world’s largest collections of old
Tibetan texts. Editions of the Tibetan Buddhist Canon and separate editions of some canonical
texts comprise a significant part of this collection. Their description is to be presented in the first
part of its catalogue. It will consist of four volumes. Volume 1 includes the data on the complete
editions of the Tibetan Buddhist Canon kept at the IOM RAS: there are five editions of the Bka'
'gyur and two editions of the Bstan 'gyur. Detailed information on each tome of all these sets,
about 1900 tomes in all, is presented. Moreover, Volume 1 contains data on several original Tibetan
catalogues and indexes to some of the editions of the canon that are found in the IOM RAS. PDF-files Annotation, Введение, Summary
Keywords Bka’ ’gyur Schilling von Canstadt, Paul Ludwig Tibetan block prints the Tibetan Buddhist Canon
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