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Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century [Российские экспедиции в Центральную Азию в конце XIX — начале XX века]. Collected articles. Edited by I.F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008. 244 p., ill.

The present edition includes the articles covering the history of exploration of Central Asia by Russian researchers and the stages of study of archaeological, manuscript and ethnographic collections brought by Russian expeditions at the turn of the 20th century. The book is dedicated to the 190th anniversary of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts (the former Asiatic Museum) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, where unique manuscripts in Oriental languages are kept and studied.

Published with the support of the Ford Foundation

Translated from the Japanese into Russian by V.Yu. Klimov (pp. 176-187) Translated from the Chinese into Russian by I.F.Popova (pp. 219-226) Translated from the English into Russian by IN. Stukalina (pp. 188-218)

Translated from Russian into English by E.S. Petrova (pp. 11-49),

R.S. Smirnov and S.R. Smirnov (pp. 7, 50-187, 219-226)

Photographs by S.L. Shevelchinskaya

Manuscripts restored by L.I. Kryakina

English text edited by E.Yu. Kharkova.


I.F. Popova. Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century — 11

L.Yu. Tugusheva. Expeditions to Central Asia and the Discovery of Early Medieval Turkic Manuscripts — 40

S.G. Klyashtorny. Old Turkic Monuments of Runic Writing from Eastern Turkestan — 50

M.I. Vorobyeva-Desyatovskaya. M.M. Berezovsky’s Expedition to Kucha (1905-1908) — 65

Yu.I. Elikhina. Buddhist Monuments from Khotan in the Collection of the Hermitage — 75

V.A. Livshits. Manichaica in the Asiatic Museum — 82

S.V. Dmitriyev, L.F. Popova. S.M. Dudin’ Kashgar Collection in the Russian Museum of Ethnography — 88

T.I. Yusupova. P.K. Kozlov’s Mongolia and Sichuan Expedition (1907-1909): the Discovery of Khara-Khoto — 112

E.I. Kychanov. The Tangut Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts: History and Study — 130

I.F. Popova. S.F. Oldenburg's First Russian Turkestan Expedition (1909-1910) — 148

I.F. Popova. S.F. Oldenburg’s Second Russian Turkestan Expedition (1914-1915) — 158

Takata Tokio. Japanese Researchers of Russian Collections from Central Asia — 176

Imre Galambos. An English Participant in the Japanese Exploration of Central Asia. The Role of A.O. Hobbs in the Third Otani Expedition — 188

Susan Whitfield. Scholarly Respect in an Age of Political Rivalry — 203

Rong Xin-jiang. Russian Expeditions and the Chinese Authorities in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries — 219

Index of personal names — 228

Index of geographical names — 235

Abbreviations — 242


The entire book


Asiatic Museum
Central Asia
Eastern Turkestan
Rusian Expeditions

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