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Alexander Dmitrievich

Born on September 28, 1957 in Sasovo, Ryzan district, the USSR.


1980-1986 Institute for Oriental Studies, The USSR Academy of Sciences, Leningrad (presently St. Petersburg), Ph.D. in Islamic Studies.

1974-1979 The State University of Leningrad, Department of Oriental Studies, B.A./M.A. in Arabic Literature and Culture, (Honors)


1997-present Professor of Islamic Studies, The University of Michigan 1998-2004 Co-Director, Program on Study in Religion, The University of Michigan

1998– 2004 Professor of Islamic Studies and Chairman, The Department of Near Eastern Studies, The University of Michigan

2000–2001 Director, Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies, The University of Michigan

1997–1998 The Sharjah Chair of Islamic Studies, The Department of Arabic and Middle East Studies, The University of Exeter, Devonshire, UK

1994–1997 Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies, Department of Near Eastern Studies, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

1993–1994 Assistant Professor of History, Department of History, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO

1992–1993 Visiting Assistant Professor and Rockefeller Fellow in the Humanities, Center for the Study of Islamic Societies and Civilizations, Washington University, St. Louis, MO

1991–1992 Member, Institute for Advanced Study, School of Historical Studies, Princeton, NJ

1990–1991 Special Lecturer on History of Islamic Civilization, The College of Religion and Philosophy, St. Petersburg, Russia

1988–1991 Senior Researcher and Academic Secretary, The Islamic Studies Group, Institute for Oriental Studies, Leningrad/St. Petersburg, Russia

1988–1991 Visiting Lecturer on Middle Eastern History and Islamic Studies, The State University of Leningrad/St. Petersburg, Russia

1986–1989 Member, Soviet-Yemeni Historical and Archeological Mission in South Arabia, The Peoples Democratic Republic of Yemen

1984–1988 Junior Researcher, The Department of Middle East Studies, Institute for Oriental Studies, The USSR Academy of Sciences, Leningrad, USSR

1980–1984 Graduate Student/Research Assistant, The Institute for Oriental Studies, Department of Middle Eastern Studies, Leningrad, USSR


Organizer, Faculty Seminar, The University of Northern Colorado, 1993–1994;

Coordinator, Lectureship Committee, Department of Near Eastern Studies, The University of Michigan, 1994–1995;

Member of the Admissions Committee, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, The University of Michigan, 1994–1997;

Member of the Fellowship Committee, same as above, 1994 and 1996;

Chair, Fellowships and TA-ships Committee, The Department of Near Eastern Studies, The University of Michigan, 1996–1997;

Director, Admissions Committee, same as above, 1996–1997;

Post-Graduate Admissions Tutor, Department of Arabic and Middle East Studies, The University of Exeter, 1997–1998;

Chair, Student-Faculty Liaison Committee, same as above, 1997–1998;

Modular Degree Coordinator, same as above, 1997–1998;

Chair, The Department of Near Eastern Studies, The University of Michigan, 1998-2004.

Director, Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies, The University of Michigan, 2000–2001.

Co-Director, Program on Studies in Religion, The University of Michigan, 2001–present.


Arabic (Classical, Modern Standard, Yemeni vernacular), Russian (native), English, French, German, some Spanish, some Persian.

SERVICE TO THE PROFESSION: Section editor (“Sufism”), the Editorial Board of the 3d edition of the Encyclopeadia of Islam, E.J. Brill, Leiden.

Member, the Editorial Board of Archiv für Religionsgeschichte, K. G. Saur, München and Leipzig.

President-Elect, Central Eurasian Studies Society of North America (2005-2008).


Member of the Soviet-Yemeni Archeological and Historical Mission, the Historical and Anthropological Team. Conducted field research in the Peoples Democratic Republic of Yemen (presently, Yemeni Republic), 1986-1989. Topics studied: social and religious history of South Arabia with special reference to the cult of saints, local manuscript tradition, transmission of knowledge, teaching institutions, social stratification and tribal organization. The last research trip to Yemen was in Oct.-Nov., 1999.


Full Fellow, The Middle East Studies Association of North America

Member, American Institute for Yemeni Studies

Member, American Oriental Society


Publications ( the entire list as a *.pdf file)


Dreams and Visions in Islamic Societies. Edited by Özgen Felek and Alexander D. Knysh. State University of New York, 2012.


Knysh A. Islamic Mysticism: A Short History, E.J. Brill, Leiden-Boston-Köln, 2000 (358 pp.)


Knysh A. Ibn ‘Arabi in the Later Islamic Tradition: The making of a polemical image in medieval Islam, SUNY Press, 1999 (449 pp.)


Ислам: Историографические очерки. Под общей ред. С.М.Прозорова. [Резван Е.А. Коран и коранистика; Ермаков Д.В. Хадисы и хадисная литература; Кныш А.Д. Суфизм] — М.: Наука. Главная редакция восточной литературы, 1991. — 228 с. ISBN 5-02-017284-7

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