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Born in 1954, Beijing, P.R. China

Senior researcher and professor of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Education Background:

M.A, Beijing Normal University, majoring in philology, 1982

Positions held:

1982—1988 Lecturer, Central Institute for Nationalities

1988—1993 Associate professor, Beijing Normal University

1993—1997 Associate professor, Institute of Nationality Researches, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

1997—2014 Professor, senior researcher, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Concurrent posts held:

1998—2000 Visiting professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Shanxi University, China

2010—2011 Visiting supervisor, Department of History and Linguistics, École Pratique des Hautes Études, France

2012—2013 Distinguished professor, Department of Linguistics, Minzu University of China

2014—2017 Chair professor, Department of History, Sichuan University, China

Chair professor, Institute of Tangutology, Beifang Minzu University, China

2016 — present Chair professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Sichuan Normal University, China

2018 — present Chair professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing Normal University, China

Research fields:

Ancient language and civilization in Northern China, especially Tangut language and culture



Nie Hongyin, Sun Yingxin. The Mixed Homonymic Characters: Procedures for Primary Teaching as Recommended by the Tanguts // Written Monuments of the Orient. 2023. Vol. 9, Supplement (19). P. 77–106.


Nie Hongyin. Quotations from Zhuangzi in Tangut Literature // Written Monuments of the Orient. Vol. 8, No. 1(15), 2022. P. 16–26.


Nie Hongyin. Chinese Stories of Filial Piety in Tangut Literature // Pis'mennye pamiatniki Vostoka. Vol. 18, no. 3 (46), 2021, pp. 95–117.


Nie Hongyin. A Unique Tangut Primary Reader "Brief Collection by Taizong" kept in the IOM RAS // Written Monuments of the Orient. No. 1(11), 2020. P. 3—38.


Nie Hongyin. [Review:] “Novye zakony” tangutskogo gosudarstva (pervaia chetvert’ XIII veka). Izdanie teksta i perevod s tangutskogo, vvedenie i kommentarij E.I. Kychanova [“New Laws” of the Tangut State (the first half of the 13th century). Publication of the text and translation from the Tangut language, introduction and commentary by E.I. Kychanov] // Written Monuments of the Orient. 1, 2015. P. 116–118.


Nie Hongyin. Family Models: The Model of the Tangut Work Newly Collected Biographies of Affection and Filial Piety // Written Momuments of the Orient [Письменные памятники Востока], 2(9), 2008. P. 237—242.

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