Yulia Vladimirovna
Senior Researcher at the IOM RAS Candidate of Sciences (equiv. Ph.D.) - History
Born in Leningrad.
In 1995 – 1997 studied at the Sub-Department of Korean Philology, Department of the Philology of China, Korea and South-East Asia, Faculty of Oriental Studies, St. Petersburg State University;
in 1997 – 1998 studied as an exchange student at the Division of International Education, Yonsei University, Seoul;
in 1998 re-enrolled at St. Petersburg State University;
in 2000 obtained the BA degree in Asian and African Studies (Korean Philology) from St. Petersburg State University and subsequently entered the graduate school at the same University;
in 2001 studied at the Korean Language Institute, Yonsei University, Seoul, under the Korea Foundation program Fellowship for Korean Language Training;
in 2002 obtained the MA degree in Asian and African Studies (Religions of Asian and African Peoples) from St. Petersburg State University;
in 2002 entered the PhD course at the Institute of Oriental Studies. Major: Historiography, Study of Historical Sources and Methodology of Historical Studies. Academic supervisor: A. S. Martynov, Ph. D.;
in 2004 studied at the Korean Language Institute, Yonsei University, Seoul, under the Korea Foundation program Fellowship for Korean Language Training, and graduated the above Institute;
in 2007 defended her PhD thesis “Lives of Eminent Korean Monks" (the 13th century) as a Source on the Early History of Korea.
Worked as a laboratory assistant at the Language Laboratory of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, St. Petersburg State University (December 1993 - July 1995), senior research assistant at the Institute of Oriental Studies (August 2000 – November 2003), lecturer at St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Oriental Studies, Department of the Philology of China, Korea and South-East Asia (September 2002 – June 2008), Junior Researcher (December 2003 – June 2008), Researcher (June 2008 – October 2013), Senior Researcher (from October 2013 up to present) at the Institute of Oriental Studies, now the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts.
Took part in several academic sessions of the Institute of Oriental Studies (from 2001 onwards) and in various conferences on Korean and Buddhist studies.
The main subjects of the current research: study of the sources on early history of Buddhism in Korea; Grammar of Hanmun (classical Chinese) and methodology of teaching this language to students majoring in Korean studies, Tibetan language.
( the entire list as a *.pdf file) [2023]
Boltach, Iuliia V. Cults and Practices of Early Korean Buddhism in the Narratives of Samguk yusa. — St. Petersburg : Hyperion Publishing House, 2023. — 463, [1] pp. — ISBN 978-5-89332-416-7.
Gakhun. Lives of Eminent Korean Monks (Haedong Kosung Chon) [Какхун. Жизнеописания достойных монахов Страны, что к востоку от моря (Хэдон косын чон)] / Introduction, translation from Hanmun, notes and indices by Dr Y.V.Boltach. St Petersburg University 2007. 184 p.
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