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Viacheslav Petrovich

Researcher at the IOM RAS
Born in St. Petersburg (Leningrad).


1995—2001 — St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University (ETU, formerly LEEI), the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.

Master’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering (2001).

Specialization: Computer engineering, computer platforms, systems and networks.

Diploma with honors.

2004—2006 — Institutio Orientalis (St. Petersburg), the Department of Japanese Studies.

Specialization: Japanese studies (Japan and Japanese language).

Academic positions:

September 2005 — December 2008 — Assistant Researcher, St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (since 2008 — Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences), the Department of Far Eastern Studies.

January 2009 — May 2013 — Junior Researcher, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Department of Far Eastern Studies.

From June 2013 — July 2023 — Researcher, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Department of Far Eastern Studies.

From July 2023 up to present — Researcher, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Serindia Laboratory.

Projects and activities:

Member of IDP (International Dunhuang Project, 國際敦煌項目) since April, 2006.

Member of international expert community on encoding of the Tangut, Jurchen and Khitan scripts in the Unicode Standard and in the International Standard “ISO/IEC 10646: Information technology — Universal Coded Character Set (UCS)” since July, 2008. Member of the Working Group for the development of Proposals to encode the Tangut script (Proposal, Code chart) and Tangut radicals (Proposal) in the Universal Character Set (UCS).

Fields of special interest:

Tangut (西夏), Khitan (契丹) and Jurchen (女真) scripts, languages and written monuments; history of Far Eastern lexicography; decipherment of scripts and languages; palaeography, epigraphy, textual criticism, lexicography, orthography of written monuments, grammatology, graphemics.

Publications ( the entire list as a *.pdf file)


Tai Chung-pui, Zaytsev V. Tibetan Buddhism practice of the great seal (mahāmudrā) as recorded in Tangut fragments with Tibetan phonetic glosses: an annotated sentence-based reading of Tang. 1075/Fr. 6(11) // Тангутская и китайская филология. К юбилею М. В. Софронова. Москва: Институт востоковедения РАН, 2024. P. 363–395. (Учёные записки Отдела Китая ИВ РАН; Вып. 47). ISBN 978-5-907846-10-4.

Zaytsev V., West A. Preliminary study of a manuscript fragment in an unidentified script from the Western Xia Shānzuǐgōu site // Тангутская и китайская филология. К юбилею М. В. Софронова. Москва: Институт востоковедения РАН, 2024. P. 345–362. (Учёные записки Отдела Китая ИВ РАН; Вып. 47). ISBN 978-5-907846-10-4.


The Age of Sergey Fedorovich Oldenburg in the Russian Academy of Sciences : International Conference dedicated to the 160th anniversary of Academician Sergey F. Oldenburg (1863–1934). Saint Petersburg, September 26–27, 2023 : Abstracts / Compiled by Irina Popova, Viacheslav Zaytsev ; Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences. — Saint Petersburg : IOM RAS, 2023. — 55 p. : il.

Zaytsev V., Tai Chung-pui. Nikolai Nevsky, Ishihama Juntarō, and the Lost “Extended Manual” of Tangut Characters with Tibetan Phonetic Glosses // Written Monuments of the Orient. 2023. Vol. 9, Supplement (19). P. 18–48.


Tangut studies: Prospects and problems for the 21st century : International conference in memory of Evgeny I. Kychanov (1932–2013). Saint Petersburg, June 23–24, 2022 : Abstracts / Compiled by Irina Popova, Viacheslav Zaytsev ; Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences. — Saint Petersburg : IOM RAS, 2022. — 94 p. : il.


Bobrov L.A., Zaytsev V.P., Orlenko S.P., Salnikov A.V. The Late Jurchen (Early Manchu) Helmet of the Second Half of the 1610s to the Mid-1630s from the Collection of the Armoury Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin // Bylye Gody (Foretime): Russian Historical Journal. 2017. Vol. 46, Is. 4. P. 1140—1173.

West A., Zhamsoev A., Zaytsev V. [Document No.] JTC1/SC2/WG2 N4781 = L2/17-007: Proposal to encode one historical Mongolian letter for Buryat Mongolian // The Unicode Consortium: [official website]. 2017. 12 pp.


West A., Zaytsev V., Everson M. [Document No.] JTC1/SC2/WG2 N4725R = L2/16-113R: Towards an Encoding of the Khitan Small Script // The Unicode Consortium: [official website]. 2016. 194 pp.

Zaytsev V., Tai Chung-pui. Re-examination of the Tangut Fragment Or. 12380/3495 from the Collection of the British Library // The 6th International Symposium on Oriental Ancient Documents Studies. Saint Petersburg, October 2–6, 2016: Abstracts. St. Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State University, 2016. P. 105—108.

Zaytsev V., West A. [Document No.] JTC1/SC2/WG2 N4765 = L2/16-277: Discussion of 29 proposed Khitan Small Script characters // The Unicode Consortium: [official website]. 2016. 35 pp.


Zaytsev V.P. Identification of a Khitan historical work as part of the Nova H 176 manuscript codex from the collection of the IOM RAS and related problems [Идентификация киданьского исторического сочинения в составе рукописной книги-кодекса Nova H 176 из коллекции ИВР РАН и сопутствующие проблемы] // Acta linguistica Petropolitana: Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies. Vol. XI, part 3. St. Petersburg, Nauka, 2015. P. 167—208, 821—822 (summary in Russian), 850—851 (summary in English).


Zaytsev V.P. A Manuscript Codex Written in the Khitan Large Script from the Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences [Рукописная книга большого киданьского письма из коллекции Института восточных рукописей РАН] // Written Monuments of the Orient, № 2(15), autumn-winter 2011. Moscow, Nauka, Vostochnaya Literatura Publishers, 2011. P.130—150.

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