Monograph: Bibliotheca Buddhica VIII — renewal |
16/12/2018 |
The page with monograph updated: [Bibliotheca Buddhica VIII:] Nyāyabindu, the Buddhist Manual of Logic, the Treatise by Dharmakīrti and its Commentary, Nyāyabindutīkā, the Treatise by Dharmottara. Ed. of the Tibetan translation of the Sanskrit text, with Introduction and Notes by Th. Stcherbatsky [Nyāyabindu. Буддийский учебник логики, сочинение Дармакирти и толкование на него. Nyāyabinduṭīkā, сочинение Дармоттары / Тибетский перевод санскритского текста издал с введ. и примеч. Ф.И.Щербатской]. Fasc. 1. St. Petersburg: Typography of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1904, IV, 222 p. The entire volume is published as a *.PDF file. Read more... |
Last Updated ( 16/12/2018 )