Popova I.F. Political Practice and Ideology of Early T'ang China [Политическая практика и идеология раннетанского Китая]. Moscow, Vostochnaya Literatura Publishers 1999. 279 p.
The reign of the T’ang dynasty (618-907) became one of the highest points in the Chinese history, the great epoch, which had a deep influence upon the following history of many states of the Far Eastern region. The best achievements of Chinese civilization spread over the neighboring countries and became known in the remote cultural centers of the Near and Middle East. The main signs of that brilliant period were the heyday of the imperial power, the optimum organization of the society and state (the highly-developed administrative, taxation, educational, military systems) and the remarkable achievements in the sphere of culture, arts, literature, sciences…
Academic conference in memory of Vsevolod L. Vikhnovich (1937‒2022) will take place on October 29, 2024 (Tuesday) at the IOM RAS (Green Hall). The conference program is now available.