Defense of PhD Dissertation by E.Tanonova |
04/03/2012 |
On March 1, 2012, at the Dissertation Council of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, St Petersburg State University, the defense of PhD Dissertation by E.V. Tanonova, The Female Character as Represented in Mahabharata and Telugu Epics [Образ героини в „Махабхарате“ и эпосе телугу], was held.
The Dissertation was supervised by Prof Dr Svetlana L. Neveleva, leading researcher at the Department of Central and South Asian Studies, the IOM RAS. Prof Dr O.M. Chunakova, leading researcher at the Department of Near and Middle Eastern Studies, the IOM RAS, and Dr M.N.Suvorov, the Department of Arabic Philology, the Faculty of Oriental Studies, St Petersburg State University, were official opponents.
The Dissertation is based upon translation and analysis of selected fragments from Ancient Indian Epic, Mahabharata, and Telugu Epic, Andhramahabharata, the latter one remaining almost undiscovered in studies of world epics. Systematic study of major epic motifs dealing with ‘female theme’ was made with special emphasis on ideological, stylistiс and compositional aspects. |