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Jubilee of Dr I.Kaneva Print E-mail

On February 12, 2010, Dr Irina T. Kaneva, leading researcher at the Department of Ancient Eastern Studies, celebrates her Jubilee.

Dr I. Kaneva has worked at our Institute since 1957. Like many people of her generation, she had a hard life from the very childhood: the war, life under occupation, death of the father at the very beginning of the war. However, she graduated from school in a small town of Dmitriev under Kursk with excellent marks. In 1952, she came to Leningrad and was admitted to the Faculty of Oriental Studies, Leningrad State University, the Section of Assyriology. In 1957, she graduated from the University and started her doctoral course at the Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies. She was a disciple of preeminent scholars such as Acad. D.V.Struve and Dr I.M.Diakonoff.

Dr I. Kaneva first prepared a number of translations and editions of some Sumerian literary texts. But gradually her academic interests shifted to the study of Grammatical system of the Sumerian languages, one of the earliest written languages in the world. In 1965, she defended her PhD dissertation, Conjugation of Sumerian Verbs [Спряжение шумерского глагола], in 1998, she got the Habiliation degree for her book The Sumerian Language [Шумерский язык]. This monograph contains the first academic grammar of the Sumerian language, it has deep insight into the most intricate problesm of Sumerian studies. In 2006, the second edition of the book was issued.

Dr I. Kaneva’s works show her vast knowledge, strong analytical mind, bright erudition. Moreover, to carry on such researches a scholar needs some special merits such as tenacity, austerity, modesty. Dr I. Kaneva serves her science with self-sacrificing attitude but she does it with elegance, soft and refined sense of humor, strict fidelity to principles. She always radiates steady and clear light of friendliness for which she is highly respected by her colleagues and friends.

The IOM’s Head, Prof Dr Irina F. Popova

Last Updated ( 10/02/2010 )
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