Kaplan Golda H. Use of aspect-tense verbal forms in Akkadian texts of the Hammurapi period (1792-1750 B.C.) // Lincom Studies in Afroasiatic Linguistics. Lincom Europa 2002.
The conjugated forms traditionally named as the Present, Preterite and Perfect are the main components of the Akkadian aspect-tense verbal system. The existence of the Akkadian Perfect and the peculiarities of its usage had been the subject of lengthy discussion resulting in the section "Das Perfekt" in GAG 1952, § 80. The section was included into GAG 1995 without any serious changes.
When studying the Perfect in MA we came to the conclusion that the use of the Perfect in that dialect should have been explained a way different from that suggested by von Soden. Thus, the necessity arose to check anew the use of the Perfect at the earlier stages of the development of Akkadian. Typically, the frequency of the Perfect is different for texts of various genres. Our research of the Perfect was chiefly based on MA letters, legal and economic documents, and MA Laws. There are counterparts of such texts in OB as well, in which, however, the Perfect is used often enough only in letters, in the Laws of Eshnunna and in the Code of Hammurapi. In OB legal texts the Perfect occurs rarely.
For the synchronous analysis of the texts of different genres we have chosen the letters of Hammurapi and the Code of Hammurapi, since both the LH and the version of the CH that has come down to us on the stele, belong to the same period in Babylonian history, and probably come from the same source, namely, the offices of Hammurapi. During our work, when necessary, some other OB letters, and also LE were taken into account.
The Perfect being a component of the single aspect-tense verbal system, its usage was chosen to be studied along with that of the Present and Preterite in this work. When considered simultaneously Present forms and their English equivalents are underlined in broken line, Preterite forms — in one line and Perfect forms — in double line.
Footnotes' numbers most significant to the author are printed in bold.
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Ключевые слова аккадский язык глагольные формы грамматический строй морфемы морфология перфект претерит синтаксис система префиксов Хаммурапи
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