Nie Hongyin. [Review:] “Novye zakony” tangutskogo gosudarstva (pervaia chetvert’ XIII veka). Izdanie teksta i perevod s tangutskogo, vvedenie i kommentarij E.I. Kychanova [“New Laws” of the Tangut State (the first half of the 13th century). Publication of the text and translation from the Tangut language, introduction and commentary by E.I. Kychanov] // Written Monuments of the Orient. 1, 2015. P. 116–118.
Half a year after E.I. Kychanov’s passing away, the publication of his brilliant
work “Novye zakony” tangutskogo gosudarstva (“New Laws” of the Tangut State)
reminded me to think of the gentle voice and amiable appearance of this great Orientalist,
as if he is still with us...
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