Walravens H., Zorin A. The Āli-kāli Trilingual Syllabary Brought by D. G. Messerschmidt from Siberia and Edited by G. S. Bayer in the 1720s // Journal of the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies, Vol. XXI. Tokyo: ICPBS, 2017. P. 183—241.
Daniel Gottlieb Messerschmidt (1685-1735) was a German scholar
invited by the Russian Emperor Peter the Great to undertake an expedition
to Siberia to explore its geography, nature, ethnography, etc., and collect
materia medica and various rarities, including manuscripts. He left St.
Petersburg in 1719 and came back in 1727. In 1721, his expedition was
joined by Philipp Johann Tabbert (1676-1747), a German officer of the Swedish army captured by the Russians and exiled to Tobolsk. He left
Messerschmidt in Krasnoyarsk in 1722 and, after his return to Sweden, he
became known as the author of the influential book Das Nord- und Ostliche
Theil von Europa und Asia [Strahlenberg 1730] in which he described
some discoveries during the early stage of Messerschmidt’s expedition.
Unfortunately, Messerschmidt himself failed to publish his own extensive
account because of a series of personal calamities. He died in need in St.
Petersburg. Moreover, a large part of his Siberian collection perished in the
1747 fire at the Kunstkamera, the first Russian museum... PDF-файлы Полный текст статьи
Ключевые слова али-кали Байер, Готлиб Зигфрид Мессершмидт, Даниэль Готлиб силлабарии фонд тибетский
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