Raschmann S.-Ch. The Old Uyghurs between
East and West // Тюрко-монгольский мир в прошлом и настоящем. Материалы научной конференции памяти Сергея Григорьевича Кляшторного (1928–2014) 16–17 февраля 2015 г. Санкт-Петербург. СПб.; Улан-Батор, 2016. C. 238—246.
The fragments of Old Uyghur manuscripts discovered between 1902 and 1914
by the four German Turfan expeditions in the Turfan oasis are among the oldest written
sources of the Turkish languages. Only the inscriptions in Old Turkic Runic script are older.
They date from the end of the 7th century. Among the more than 40,000 fragments of manuscripts
and block prints preserved in the Berlin Turfan collection there are more than 8,000
items in the Old Uyghur language. This paper shows the great variety of content of these
fragments and presents their importance as the main source of information concerning the
social and economic life of the Old Uyghurs in the West Uyghur Kingdom (from around the
9th to the 12th cc.) and under the Mongol rule (from around the 13th to the 14th cc.) and their
religions, i. e. Manichaeism, Church of the East and, above all, Buddhism.
2 октября 2023 г. Отдел Дальнего Востока ИВР РАН проводит конференцию в честь 90-летия выдающего отечественного китаеведа Александра Степановича Мартынова (1933–2013).