Lin Ying-chin. The Principles of Tangut Text Interpretation: Taking zju2 as an Example // Тангуты в Центральной Азии: Сборник статей в честь 80-летия профессора Е.И.Кычанова. М.: Восточная литература, 2012. С. 223―237.
Based on the author’s own experience in the Tangut language, this article illustrates
basic principles of Tangut text interpretation with linguistic concerns.
Two main points are stated as follows.
The first main point of the article focuses on the Tangut character 懲 zju2, seeking an
appropriate interpretation of it based on several Chinese-Tangut translation materials.
According to these texts, 懲 zju2 can either serve as a phonetic transcription of
Chinese proper nouns such as rǔ 汝, rú 孺, rú 如 and rú 儒or a semantic translation
of several Chinese lexemes. Based on existing sources, the semantic concept of
懲 zju2 is associated with ‘the distinction of the shapes between two or more objects
after deliberate measurement’...
Объявление о предзащите диссертации на соискание ученой степени доктора исторических наук Богданова Ивана Валерьевича «Эпиграфика как источник по социально-политической и культурной истории Древнего Египта: памятники и их судьбы».