Umemura H., Zieme P. A Further Fragment of the Old Uighur Qianziwen // Written Monuments of the Orient, 2. Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura, 2015. P. 3-13.
In this paper the authors edit one fragment of the Old Uighur Qianziwen that
belongs to the Serindia Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian
Academy of Sciences at St. Petersburg. This fragment is joined with some others that
were already published by M. Shōgaito. The Qianziwen belonging to the classical
scriptures is an old Chinese primer for learning Chinese. Rarely translated into other
languages the Old Uighur version confirms the strong relationship between Chinese and
Uighur scholarship in the Medieval period.
В рамках IX Всероссийского молодежного научного форума «Наука будущего – наука молодых» проводится IX Всероссийский конкурс научно-исследовательских работ студентов и аспирантов.