Popova I. A Dunhuang Document on the Division of Property from the Serindia Fund of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS // Written Monuments of the Orient. 1(1), 2015. P. 4-13.
The Serindian Fund is probably the most linguistically diverse—and
therefore the most difficult to process and study—in the manuscript collection
of the IOM, RAS. It owes its beginnings to Sergei Feedorovich Oldenburg
(1863–1934), who assigned manuscripts from Xinjiang (Eastern Turkestan,
Serindia) to a special individual collection and gave the fund its name
and press-mark (SI). The very first to be included in it were the manuscripts
brought back by the First Russian Turkistan Expedition headed by Oldenburg
in 1909–10 (press-mark SI O) and also those sent back at various dates
by Nikolai Petrovskii, Nikolai Krotkov, Alexander Kokhanovskii, and other
diplomats serving in China. Later, it was expanded with materials delivered
by the expeditions led by Vselovod Roborovskii, Mikhail Berezovskii, Piotr
Kozlov and Sergei Malov. Today, the fund contains 6,618 items. There are
more texts in Uighur than in any other language. There are also quite a lot of
Sanskrit manuscripts, Tocharian language manuscripts of Kucha and scraps
of Tangut woodcuts. A significant portion of the documents in the Serindian
Fund, mainly the non-Chinese ones, have been studied and published...
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