Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya M.A Sanskrit Manuscript on Birch-Bark from Bairam-Ali: I. The Vinaya of the Sarvāstivādins (part 3) // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 5. No. 4. December 1999. P. 7—19.
The present paper is the continuation of the publication of Sanskrit manuscript SI Merv 1 on birch-bark from Bairam-Ali (see Manuscripta Orientalia, V/2—3, 1999). The beginning of the text on fol. 75 recto which opens this part of the publication follows the last line of the text on fol. 74 verso of the preceding publication. An analysis of the text on fol. 75 clearly indicates its compilative nature. One and the same rule is either repeated in various contexts or is given in different fashion; one must turn to arithmetic to prove the identity of these formulas. All of this confirms the presence of several sources, which were used by the compiler. It also seems that he used these texts not from memory, but actually had before him copies of the Vinaya rules. We now turn to the text…
ИВР РАН проводит 29 октября с. г., во вторник, в Зеленом зале Ново-Михайловского дворца (Дворцовая наб., д. 18) научную конференцию, посвященную памяти Всеволода Львовича Вихновича (1937–2022). Предлагаем вашему вниманию программу.