Tumanovich N. Persian Folklore Materials in the Manuscript Collection of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 2. No. 4. December 1996. P. 48—55.
In the Manuscript fund of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies Persian folklore is represented by many genres. There are epic stories, long romantic narratives, entertaining stories, legends, lives of saints, anecdotes, proverbs, etc. The way the collection of Persian folk stories was formed in the funds of the Institute (formerly Asiatic Museum) was almost the same as the making of many other Oriental collections in Russia…
11 марта в 13.00 состоится обсуждение плановой работы Ольги Михайловны Чунаковой «Глагол в согдийском языке (рукописи из Восточного Туркестана и Дуньхуана в собрании ИВР РАН)».