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PPV 2(23), 2015 Print E-mail


2 (23)
Autumn-Winter 2015

Journal based in 2004
Issued twice a year

Selected Materials as a *.PDF file


Yu.V. Boltach. Chapter “Chronology of Kings” from the Korean Buddhist Historical Book “Memorabilia of the Three Kingdoms”: At the Source of Korean History — 5
The paper contains an annotated translation of the first part of the chronological tables found the Korean book “Memorabilia of the Three Kingdoms” (Samguk Yusa 三國遺事), which was composed in classical Chinese by Buddhist monk Ilyon in the late 13th century.


I.S. Gurevich. Text Linguistics: Certain Concepts and Grammar Categories (Based on the Chinese Works of the 3rd to 10th Centuries) — 24
In the article under review the information models are being regarded as one of the main grammar categories of the text linguistics (as regards the Chinese works of the 3rd to 10th centuries). The following was found out: the model of information depends both on the genre of literature (parables and poetry) and the specific features of the literary work (Chinese classic poetry and the folk songs yuefu).

E.P. Ostrovskaya. Definition of the Term Abhidharma in the Compendium of Buddhist Philosophy Abhidharmakośa by Vasubandhu — 34
The term abhidharma entered Buddhist philosophical vocabulary in the period when the texts of Abhidharma-pitaka, the exegetic part of the Buddhist Canon, were codified. The author analyzes the definition of the term formulated in the basic compendium of Buddhist philosophy Abhidharmakoṣa by Vasubandhu (4th—5th centuries A.D.). In this text, the term abhidharma is interpreted as wisdom (prajnā) and theoretical treatise (śāstra) conducive to the gaining of wisdom. The definition has systemic relations with different aspects of the teaching of Vaibhāsikās as strict followers of Canonical Abhidharma.

Z.A. Yusupova. On the History of Kurdish Lexicography: the Compilation and Publication of Dictionaries — 48
The article contains a description of dictionaries published up to the present day in the Kurdish language in Kurdistan and elsewhere which are known to the author. The review of the dictionaries is based on the three criteria: 1) the type of the dictionary; 2) affiliation with a certain dialect; 3) the employment of a certain script.


O.M. Chunakova. A New Parthian Manichaean Fragment — 59
The article contains the first edition of a new Parthian Manichaean fragment housed at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts. The poorly preserved text is a hymn dedicated to Wisdom. The published materials contain no such Manichaean text. Perhaps the hymn is an adaptation (or a rendering) of a Mandaean text. Its contents suggests that this hymn was performed during the Bema, the main Manichaean holiday.

A.A. Bazarov. The Collection of Buddhist scholastic literature “Chos-grwa”: section “Vinaya” (Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of the Siberian Branch of the RAS) — 65
The article discusses the development of Vinaya literature in the monastic system of Buryatia. Book analysis was generated using the database of Buddhist scholastic literature “Choira” collection of the Center of Oriental Manuscripts and Xylographs (IMBT SB RAS) and traditional bibliographic catalogue “garchak” of the largest Buddhist centers of Buryatia (19th — early 20th centuries). The paper deals with the fact that Vinaya literature was important for the education system of the Buryat monasteries.

M.V. Fionin. A Translation of the Book of Psalms Made by A.N. Muravyov in 1852 from the Collection of the IOM RAS — 74
The article deals with an unpublished translation of the biblical book of Psalms. Make by the Decembrist Alexander Nikolayevich Muravyov in 1844–1852. The manuscript is kept at the Archives of the Orientalists, IOM RAS. The author briefly describes the history of translation and the history of its copy, which was made in 1915–1917 by the Minister of national education, the General of Infantry Vladimir Gavrilovich Glasov and is preserved in the Russian State Historical Archives. The author compares Muravyov’s translation with the Hebrew original and its important translations into Church Slavonic and Russian languages.


R.M. Bulgakov, M.N. Farkhshatov. The Archeographical Expedition of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1934 and Mufti Ridaaddin bin Fakhraddin’s Letter — 79
The first three decades of the 20th century brought to the Asiatic Museum eleven personal acquisitions of Oriental MSS (1528 items) from the Central Asia and only three acquisitions (25 items) from the Volga-Urals region. In 1932 the Chairman of the Central Muslim Spiritual Board of the Russian Federation Mufti Ridaaddin bin Fakhraddin informed the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences that private libraries of Russian Muslims were being confiscated and piled up in the backyards of paper mills. He applied to the Academy to collect those antique MSS and save them from annihilation. In 1933 the Institute of Oriental Studies planned to send an expedition to the Central Asia and another one to the Volga region (in response to the Mufti’s letter). But the summer of 1934 saw only one expedition that had acquired 1 564 MSS from the Volga region. The paper presents a Russian translation of the Mufti’s letter and correspondence concerning the Volga region archeographical expedition.

T.V. Ermakova. The Buddhist Collection of the Indian Manuscript Depository of the IOM, RAS as an Informative Resource for Investigations of History and Culture of South and South-East Asia — 86
The article is devoted to the explication of the content and cultural frame of South and South-East Asia Buddhist manuscripts housed at the IOM, RAS at Indian Manuscripts Depository. The author attempts to solve the problem of reconstruction of regional forms of Buddhist worldview and ordinary practices on the basis of the abovementioned items. Special attention is paid to N.I. Vorobjev collection which is dated to about the 1910s. The Appendix contains a document about Vorobjev’s collection from the Oriental Archives of the IOM, RAS. It is published for the first time.

V.P. Zaytsev, A.A. Sizova. Icon Depicting the Chinese Buddhist Pantheon from the Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences — 96
This paper contains the first published description and reproduction of a lithographed Buddhist icon depicting the Chinese Buddhist pantheon (printed not later than 1907 in Shanghai by the Dianshizhai Lithographic Bookstore) which is housed at the Department of Manuscripts and Documents of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences (Art Collection, call number X 60, inventory number 455). It is followed by a transcription of two short Chinese inscriptions that appear on the icon, together with a translation into Russian.

K.G. Marandjian. The Library of Buddhologist O.O. Rozenberg — 116
The article deals with the history of personal library of the famous Orientalist O.O. Rozenberg (1888–1919) that was believed to have been lost. The study of the documents and inventory books of the IOM RAS allowed us to find out that his library had been bought by the Asiatic Museum in 1921. The list of the books was compiled according to the records in the inventory books of 1921–1925. The personal library of Rozenberg includes 354 titles in 594 volumes in Japanese, Chinese, Russian and European languages. The books are now housed at the IOM RAS Library and Manuscript Department.

E.V. Tanonova. Orientalist Nikolai D. Mironov: The Ordinary Life of an Extraordinary Person — 129
The article presents a complete review of little-known facts of the biography of outstanding Indologist Nikolai D. Mironov. Some information, found by the author only recently, is being published for the first time. Nikolai D. Mironov was the first Russian Tocharist and specialist in Jainism. His catalogues of Indian manuscript collections in St. Petersburg have not being excelled to date. As it was recently revealed, Mironov was the Chief of counterintelligence of the Provisional Government. After the October Revolution Mironov was forced to escape Russia, roamed around the world and died in Tunisia at the age of 56 years.

V.V. Shchepkin. Japanese Manuscripts and Woodblock- Printed Books Transferred to Asiatic Museum from Imperial Russian Geographic Society in 1906 — 157
In 1906, a collection of Japanese manuscripts and blockprints on Ainu was transferred from the Imperial Russian Geographic Society to the Asiatic Museum. According to marginal notes on some of the manuscripts, they were collected in Japan by Alexander V. Grigoriev in 1879–1880. The Russian translations of some of these manuscripts are found in the archive of Grigoriev housed at the Russian Geographic Society. With the help of these translations we may assume that two more manuscripts from the Japanese holdings of the IOM, RAS originally belonged to the same Grigoriev’s collection, though they do not bear the seal of the Russian Geographic Society. As a result, the article presents a full description of Grigoriev’s collection of written materials on Ainu, which is now incorporated into the Japanese fund of the IOM, RAS.

S.I. Marakhonova. Correspondence of the Japanologist Serge Elisseeff with the Seminarium/Institute Kondakovianum in Prague in 1930–1932 (on the documents of the Archives of the Institute of the History of Arts, Czech Republican Academy of Sciences) — 168
The article deals with the creation of the Seminarium Kondakovianum in Prague in 1925, which was founded by the Russian historians-emigrants. In 1932, it was reorganized into the scientific governmental Archaeological Institute named after N.P. Kondakov. It became the most important academic center of Byzantine studies in Europe. A few letters from Serge Elisseeff to the administration of the Seminarium/Institute are published. His participation in the activities of this scientific institution is shown.


M.V. Fionin. Conference dedicated to the 100th Birth Anniversary of Klavdiia Starkova (St. Petersburg, March, 18, 2015) — 187

V.P. Zaytsev, A.A. Sizova. International Dunhuang Project (IDP) Business Meeting 2015 (Turkey, Istanbul, April 24–25, 2015) — 190

M.M. Yunusov. Jews of Europe and Middle East: History, Languages, Traditions, Culture and Economy. International Academic Conference Proceedings in memory of T.L. Gurina. Saint Petersburg Institute of Jewish Studies (St. Petersburg, April 26, 2015) — 195

О.А. Vodneva. Conference to the 70th Anniversary of the Great Victory (St. Petersburg, April, 29, 2015) — 202

O.M. Chunakova. Seminar of Iranian Studies “Freiman Readings” (St. Petersburg, May 27, 2015) — 205

А.А Sizova. Forth St. Petersburg seminar of Tibetan Studies (St. Petersburg, June, 3, 2015) — 208

О.А. Vodneva. International conference “Traditions of the Caucasus Studies in Russia” (St. Petersburg, June, 8–9, 2015) — 211


Japan and Russia. Constructing identity — imagi(ni)ng the other. Compiling editor Yu.D. Mikhailova. — St. Petersburg: “Peterburgskoie Vostokovedeniie” Publishing house, 2014. — 255 p. (K.G. Marandjian) — 217

Storied Land. Kurdish culture through the eyes of Russian scholars. — Moscow, 2014. — 250 p. (Y.A. Ioannesyan) — 219

Iakerson S.M. Ozar Sepharad: Sephardic Treasury. Sephardic Books from the 10th to the 15th Century. From Manuscripts to Printed Books. Manual for the Students of Hebrew Studies. — St. Petersburg: St.Petersburg State University Faculty of Philology, 2015. — 128 p., ill. (E.O. Shoukhman) — 222

Shаntideva. Collection of practices (øikùàsamuccaya). Tr. from Tib. by A. Kugiavichus; ed. A. Terentiev. — Moscow: fond “Sokhranim Tibet”, 2014. — 536 p. (S.Kh. Shomakhmadov) — 224

Collected articles in memory of O.O. Rozenberg: Oriental Researches and Records. Ed.-compiler T.V. Ermakova. — St. Petersburg: Izdatelstvo A. Goloda, 2014. — 524 p. (Ye.A. Desnitskaya) — 226

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