Mongolica-IV. To the 90th Birthday Anniversary of Ts. Damdinsuren [Mongolica-IV. 90-летию со дня рождения Ц. Дамдинсурэна посвящается]. Ed. by S.G.Klyashtornyj and I.V.Kulganek. St Petersburg 1998.
Mongolica-IV presents a collection of scholarly articles (only in Russian) dedicated to the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of Ts. Damdinsuren, an outstanding Mongolian scholar who made contributions as a philologist, writer, poet, and translator. The current issue continues a series in which previous issues were dedicated to B.la. Vladimirtsov (Vol. I), Sacred Taies (Vol. II), the archives of Russian Mongolian studies scholars (Vol. III).
The articles were written by specialists in Mongolian studies from various centers of oriental studies, including Buriatia and Kalmykia. The bulk of the contributors hail from Saint Petersburg, a city closely connected with Ts. Damdinsuren’s personal life and scholarly work.
The articles develop themes which formed the core of Ts. Damdinsuren’s scholarly interests: Tibetan-Mongolian literary traditions, the interaction of literatures and processes of mutual influence, the history of literature, and translation theory. PDF-files Аннотация, Содержание, Предисловие
Keywords Mongolica, annotations
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