Laws of the peoples of China and Central Asia: In memory of Evgeny Ivanovich Kychanov (1932‒2013). Personal recollections and studies (research on law history) / Eds. Rybakov V.M., Smykalin A.S., Nasibullin R.A., Suroven D.A. — Yekaterinburg: The Ural State Law University, 2024. — 511 p.
The volume in memory of Evgeny Ivanovich Kychanov, an outstanding Russian Orientalist, specialist in the history of peoples and legal systems of Central Asian and East Asian states, contains personal recollections about him as well as articles and translations of sources on the history of Chinese and Tangut law by Russian and foreign scholars.
The book is aimed at researchers, lecturers, postgraduate and undergraduate students of Oriental studies and history, as well as anyone interested in the history of societies, states and laws of the peoples of China and Central Asia.
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Keywords Evgeny Ivanovich Kychanov