The “Sutra of the White Old Man” in “Clear Script”: research, translation, transliteration, commentaries, facsimile / eds. N.V. Yampolskaya, N.S. Yakhontova; The Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS. — Moscow: Nauka — Vostochnaya Literatura, 2023. — 335 p., ill. — (Pamyatniki pis’mennosti Vostoka. CLX / editorial board: A.B. Kudelin (chair) et al.). — ISBN 978-5-02-040576-9
This study presents for the first time the results of a comparative analysis of the “Sutra of the White Old Man” texts in the “Clear script” from three main regions where the Oirats are currently living: Russia, Mongolia, China. The White Old Man is a deity worshipped from ancient times in Central Asia and East Asia, which is included in the Buddhist pantheon as a protector of the Teaching. His cult is most widespread among western Mongols (Oirat and Kalmyk peoples). The corpus of ritual texts that has formed around the cult of the White Old Man among Mongol peoples includes prayers in verse (sang) and prose text known by its short title as the “Sutra of the White Old Man”. This work will be of interest not only to scholars of Oirat language, literature and culture, but also to readers who wish to explore traditions and beliefs of Buddhists in Russia. PDF-files Front matter
Keywords Buddhism Kalmyk Mongol Oirat literature Sutra of the White Old Man White Old Man
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