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Mongolica. Vol. XXV, No. 4. 150th anniversary of Russian-Polish researcher of Mongolian studies Wl.L. Kotwicz (1872–1944) / Ed. by I. V. Kulganek (editor-in-chief), D. A. Nosov (secretary), M. A. Kozintcev (deputy secretary) et al. St Petersburg, 2022. 71 p. ISSN 2311-5939.


I. V. Kulganek. Wl. L. Kotwicz (1872–1944) — Russian Researcher and Teacher — 5


M. Ochirtsend. The System of Vowel Phonemes of the Darkhat Dialect — 11
Dialectology is a subject of systematic knowledge of the mother tongue, and also plays an important role in establishing the basic dialects of literary languages. In modern days there are many research fields to study local dialects according to sociolinguistics, ethnology, and regional linguistics. The Darkhad people have evolved into three large-scale “population flows” throughout history, and can now be considered to be among three different local dialects. Historically, the 13th-century forest dwellers and nomadic Tuvans were mixed with their descendants, as well as the Khotgoids, and some Oirats. From this, it is possible to determine the traces and features of the Middle and ancient Mongolian language from the linguistic features and vocabulary of the Darkhads. According to the Darkhad dialect speakers, the Darkhads of Ulaan-Uul and Renchinlkhumbe soums know each other by their speech features, and there is a slight difference in branch dialects.
Keywords: Binary principle, semantic distinction, vowel phoneme, Darkhad dialect


Ch. Zayasuren. The Artistic Features of Manuscripts on Home Felicitation, Blessing — 21
The home blessing is the most interesting part of the Mongolian oral art and includes many types. It has been handed down to our time in two forms: written and oral. “Erten-ü boγda narača ündüsülegsen ger-ün irügel-ün sudur orusibai”, “Ger-ün irügel-ün sudur kemegdekü orusiba”, “Ger-ün irügel kemegdekü orosibai”, “Sin-e ordu örgege -ü irügel” manuscripts have been inherited to our time. By clarifying the specifics of each of these manuscripts and trying to compare them, it will help both theoretically and practically in the research of this subject. The author clarified that the content of the manuscripts symbolize the successful functioning of Mongolian people’s lives and affairs. Moreover, the paper reveals that the content of the manuscripts mostly focuses on the description of drams of abundance and asking for prosperity and wealth in the future. It is an example of the hidden mentality of trusting and relying on the power of the inner soul, which prevails in the daily lifestyle of Mongolians.
Keywords: home blessing, Mongolian, four manuscript, symbolic, feature, traditional, description

D. Munkh-Otgon. Analysis on the Tibetan Version of Luvsandanzanravjaa’s (1803–1856) Pedagogical Verse “Paper Bird” — 28
There are a few poems written both in Mongolian and Tibetan by Luvsandanzanravjaa 5th. This article discusses his book “Paper Bird” by focusing on the Tibetan source translated from Mongolian. This article analyzes the book based on the comparison with its few other Mongolian versions published before. This Tibetan version includes a few additional lines, which are absent in the Mongolian source. It is hard to identify who added those additional lines. Was it the writer, or translators, or even someone who typed them? This article lists those additional lines in comparison with the Mongolian source. This article also shows how differently some words and meanings are put in this book compared with the Mongolian version. It also introduces how the meaning of some Mongolian words is written with Tibetan letters. The “Paper Bird” has been found not only in Mongolian and Tibetan but also in Mongolian but written with Tibetan letters. This indicates how popular this book was among the religious figures and monks in Mongolia. This article is a big research contribution to Ravjaa study, students interested in Tibetan literature and international researchers due to the fact that the Tibetan version of “Paper Bird” is being introduced for the first time.
Keywords: «Paper Bird», Didactic literature, Mongolian poetry, Tibetan-language, Luvsandanzanravjaa


G. A. Dordzhieva, S. V. Podrezova. Early Records of Kalmyk Music in the Phonogram Archive of the Pushkin House: Expedition of A. V. Burdukov and F. N. Goukhberg (1939) — 37
The article presents a little-known collection of phonograph recordings made in 1939 by A. V. Burdukov and F. N. Goukhberg. 103 phonograms, among them 70 songs and 33 instrumental tunes, were made in Troitsky, Chernozemel’sky, Ulan-Khol’sky, Privolzhsky uluses of the Kalmyk ASSR, in the Kalmytskiy district of the Rostov region, as well as during the Folk Art Olympiad in Elista. The article describes the content of the collection and archival information about the songs’ lyrics, melodies, instrumental music, and their performers. The material is evaluated within the context of Kalmyk traditional music studies. Revealed sound documents are extremely important sources for examining the main types and forms of Kalmyk music. It is opening up possibility to restore unknown Kalmyk fiddle and khulsn bishkyur (reed wind instrument). The expedition of 1939 turned out to be the last for A.V. Burdukov. His field notes summed up many years of his researching of the Western Mongols culture and folklore. He wrote about the historical significance of Kalmyk music, style and content of long-songs, the originality of instrumental tunes and dance. His co-worker, musicologist F. N. Goukhberg made recordings and subsequently notated some of recorded songs and instrumental melodies. Information about her life and work was compiled from different archives and presented in the appendix to the main text.
Keywords: ethnomusicology, field recordings, khulsn bishkur, dombra, long-songs


M. V. Fedorova. The Exhibition “The Peoples of the Great Steppe: Buryats, Kalmyks” in the Russian Museum of Ethnography — 50

O. V. Zherbanova. “The Connecting Thread of Times”: an Exhibition of Paintings, Graphics and Calligraphy. St. Petersburg, June 2022 — 57

Natalia V. Yampolskaya. Book review: “The Inedita of Kalmyk Folklore from the Archive of I. I. Popov: Mythological Prose and Smaller Genres”. Compiled and translated by B. B. Goriaeva, S. V. Mirzaeva, D. V. Ubushieva. Elista: Kalmyk Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences Publ., 2021 (in Russian) — 63

I. V. Kulganek. New publications on Mongolian Studies — 68


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Kotwicz Wladislaw Ludvigovich

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